He showed up at her door, wet, bruised, and covered in glitter. "Thor? What happened?" (Y/n) asked before getting a shrug in response. "Brother Clint did a prank or whatever you call it, on me" Thor said trying to rub the pink glitter off his arm.
"Come in, I'll help you clean up" (y/n) opened her door and each step Thor took, fine pink glitter came off leaving her floor as if a fairy had gone through. "Sit in the bathtub" Luckily Thor wore basketball shorts and a white shirt making it easier for you.
"What did he do exactly?" (Y/n) asked sitting on the side of the tub with her legs spread on either side. "Well, I walked bough the kitchen and I was man handled to the floor and was doused in water and poured glitter on" Thor shrugged again as (Y/n) shampooed his hair in attempt for the glitter to leave.
"That sucks" She said now rinsing off the shampoo. After wards she blow dried Thors hair and began braiding it so it would be out of his face. "You okay?" (Y/n) Asked braiding Thor's hair and adding small flowers into it, just because.
"Yes I am, Lady (Y/n) might I say your fingers feel heavenly in my locks" Thor said sitting straight and closing his eyes at the feel of your fingers combing through his hair. (Y/n) smiled and tied off the last piece before putting a mirror in front of Thor and showing him his newly braided hair. "Thank you lady (Y/n)"
Thor smiled before kissing (Y/n) gently on the cheek and leaving.
"Yes I am lady (Y/n), and might I say your fingers feel quite heavenly in my hair" Thor hummed sitting straight again as he closed his eyes at the feel of her fingers

Avengers X Reader
FanfictionHere's a series of X Readers, Oneshots, and chapter fics!