How dare he. He first left your brother in a cage? How dare your father treat Loki this way. You knew he was an ice giant from the start but the things he told you, the things Odin said to him made your blood boil. You walked through the halls of the castle as you made your way to the throne where sat your dead beat of a father.
Opening the doors he smiled widely with open arms to his only daughter. "How could you?" You shrieked at him, tears filling your eyes. "You've made him feel like nothing! I don't care if Thor isn't here! I may be younger but I know a lot more than you do obviously!" Odin was taken back before he fixed his posture.
"You dare speak to me like that? After all I have given you! I've given you the world and you treat me like this?" He screamed at you making you frightened for a second. "Mother gave me the world! Not you! Thor and Loki gave me the world! And NOT YOU!" You screamed walking up the stairs as you held your hand out. The sounds of crashing came through the castle walls until mijnoir was in your hands.
Swinging it your eyes crowded with tears making it hard to see. "You son of a bitch" you muttered as you threw it. It stopped close to his face before flying back. Thor stood at the doorway with the hammer and Loki appeared next to you as he held you back. "Let me go!" You trashed as Loki hugged you tighter. "Because of you mother is dead!" You screamed out once more.
"I'm leaving this place!" You said as you used your magic to leave.