Thor - Dreaded Heels

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Tonight was the night. The night that (Y/n) could maybe find someone her age that she can be with. Her mother, always persisted her youngest daughter to find someone right away but now being 15 turning 16 it was much harder. The boys her age were either going through puberty or have gone through it but were total douchebags who wanted to get in princesses.

"Mother!" Frigga huffed but smiled happily as she finished off the corset. "(Y/n), a lady of Asgard must feel elegant and act graceful. When done dressing please find your Brother Thor. He's possibly in the Gardens" Frigga smiled at (Y/n) and left her room. Taking a deep breath the small girl began to change into the blue dress that had been tailored for her specially. Her fluffy wavy hair had been made from her braid that were tight against her head the night before.

(Y/n) pinned the front strands of her hair to the back as she put her heels on. Making her way to the Green she saw her brother aimlessly walking around enjoying the sight as the sun began to set slowly. "Thor!" Her brother turned around to meet his little sister. "You look beautiful this evening Sister (Y/n)" Thor said and kissed his sisters hand, as he looked up to the servant.

She looked at the siblings and walked away. Thor reached into the back of his pocket and gave his sister the dagger. It had a gold handle with a small gem in the middle of it. "Keep this with you, you never know" (Y/n) nodded and slipped it on her garter that she stole from Frigga. "Mother wants us inside to greet the guests"


"These dreaded heels are hurting" Thor looked down to see (Y/n) fidgeting. "Did mother make you wear those?" He asked as he greeted another guest and shaked their hand.  "Who else?" (Y/n) smiled as she greeted along with Thor. They had a small break as the next few guests were coming off the boats since most of the people game from other areas. "I'm taking these off" (Y/n) reached the back of the heels and yanked them off.

She then threw them in a random room and she smiled happily. "You're quite brave sister" Thor laughed as he faced her. "I am quite indeed"

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