//Cause my babe clint needs more fanfics//
It wasn't a secret that you were Peter Parkers sibling. All the signs were obvious with the dumb but funny jokes and the cute nerdy persona along with the same brown eyes the two of you shared. Ever since you found out he had powers and knew Tony Stark you bounced to the chance to meet him and the rest of the avengers.
Being 2 years younger than peter made you his bodyguard. Your middle school was technically connected to Midtown High so in the halls you two would often walk each other to class as you two chatted about lousy teachers and annoying classmates. Flash was afraid of you after the time when he slapped the books out of your brothers hands in the hall.Breaking through the crowd you punched him and took your brother to class while he bled from his nose.
You were known as Sigmis for fire since you were quite feisty.That was until it came to you in the elevator with your brother up to the avengers area. He would stay during the summer but when the school year started, he would only sleepover on weekends leaving you alone sleeping in his room as you waited for him the morning for you two to go to school. But holy shit did this make up for the times he wasn't there.
Once you arrived Peter casually said hi as he placed his backpack on the kitchen island. "Oh no why is there a girl version of you?" Sam asked loudly looking at you. "At least i can fly better than you" You asked without thinking. Realizing what you said you stared at a wide eyed peter who quickly made you apologize to Sam which you did profusely. "Hey at least you're better than cry baby over there" Sam said pointing to Bucky.
"Hello parker, and who might this be?" Thor asked coming into the room as he handed you a cookie. "(y/n) I'm his little sister" You said proudly looking at your brother. "My feisty little sister" Peter added in. "She doesn't seem so feisty to me" Loki said from the couch. "Get Help?" You asked as Thor began to laugh while Loki glared at you.
The sound of rustling was heard before you quickly moved your head to stare at the arrow you caught in your hands. Peter looked at you and smiled. The only thing that could get your tough exterior down, was Peter, Aunt May, and your crush Clint barton. On the way there you went nonstop talking to Peter how you wanted an arrow from Clint because well, lets say that your bottom bunk is pretty filled with Hawkeye posters.

Avengers X Reader
FanfictionHere's a series of X Readers, Oneshots, and chapter fics!