Thor - Caffeine Pills/Addiction

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Thor walked around his shared bedroom trying to find his grey shirt. Looking under their bed he found a fairly large and empty bottle. He inspected it carefully as there was only two pills left, and he knew he didn't take pills.

"T-Thor?" He looked up to the doorway to his girlfriend (Y/n) as she stared at him wide eyed with bags under her eyes. "Hello darling, you're home early?" She carefully walked towards him and engulfed Thor in a somewhat awkward hug  by the way she acted. "Hello dear, might you tell me who's this is?"

(Y/n) gulped and pointed to herself. "These are yours? But it is almost empty?" Thor shook the bottle as (Y/n) heard the last pills shake inside. "Their caffeine pills, it's like a substitute for coffee. You know the brown sweet drink you like?"

"Yes, but it is almost empty? Isn't that bad for you?" Thor questioned. "It is, but I need it. I mean look baby, doing work is hard and you see me not in bed most nights so I take these."
Thor stared blankly as he threw the bottle across the room and hit the wall making a loud smashing noise. "Thor! What the Hell?"

"No more of that, darling. This is most unhealthy and quite bad" (Y/n) nodded and wiped he stray tears that began to fall. "I'm sorry Thor, it's just work has been hard and I can't deal with this much paperwork"

               "It's okay, I will help you"

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