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I zipped up my suitcase and scanned my room incase I forgot something.

"I can't believe you're leaving." Caroline said quietly and stood in the doorway

I smiled, "I know...I love it here. But I miss my home, and my friends."

"I understand." Caroline sighed

It's been two years since I fled from Guns and an estranged Duff when we were in Tokyo. I caught a plane to New York. I showed up on my sisters doorstep, disheveled, and a complete mess. Caroline and her boyfriend, Scott, were kind enough to let me live with them for the past two years. 

Theo is still just a baby, he's almost two now. Everyday when I looked into Theo's eyes, I felt a pang of guilt and sadness. Those green eyes, the same eyes that Duff McKagan had, the ones I fell so hard for. 

I felt so guilty for taking Theo away from Duff, but at the time, Duff was an absolute train wreck. I didn't know how he would handle being around Theodore and I. I'm going home now, back to Los Angeles; where all my beloved friends are. Eleanor, Slash, Axl, Steven, Matt, my brother Izzy.

I would call Izzy often, a year ago Izzy left the band, I was furious at first, but I understood why. He and the band still remained extremely close which made me grateful.

Izzy would tell me how miserable Duff was, and that he would never leave his room. He would always tell me that Duff still loved me. I told Duff before I left that I would always love him, and I do. But when I get to LA, I don't think that I'll be talking to him for a while. 

I lifted up Theo onto my hip and grabbed my suitcase.

"Do you want me to come to the airport with you? I can." Caroline said

I smiled, "No, stay here with Scotty. But hey, thank you so much for everything. For keeping me sane." I giggled

"It's no problem, love." Caroline grinned and pulled me into a hug

"And goodbye my lil' bug." Caroline squeezed Theo's cheeks and kissed his head

"Okay, well see you soon!" I waved and bounced out of the door and got into a taxi.

After arriving at the airport I waited with Theo, who was giggling and squealing playing with his toy teddy bear. We boarded the plane and sat next to a window.

"Momma!" Theo squealed

"Hi baby!" I smiled down at him

"I want daddy." Theo said and clung to my waist

I sighed and stroked Theo's wavy blonde hair. Ever since Theo learned how to talk, every once in a while he would mention 'daddy." I showed him pictures of Duff and he would ask why he wasn't here with us.

It's hard to explain to a one year old that Duff just wasn't trustworthy.

I was still astonished how much of a striking resemblance Theo had to Duff. I mean, he is his son, but it's like I didn't have anything to do with making him. 

Theo has the same emerald green eyes, fluffy blonde hair, and cheeky smile.

Except, Theo had never broken my heart. He's such a happy little boy, without a care in the world.

I held onto Theo and closed my eyes, drifting to sleep.


"Mommy!" Theo's voice floated through the air

I fluttered my eyes open to see Theo staring up at me.

"Mommy we're here!" He squeaked

I looked out the window to see that we had landed.

"Ooh, yes we are my sweet child." I smiled and scooped Theo up in my arms

"You ready to see Uncle Izzy?" 

"Yay, Uncle Wizzy." Theo laughed

I threw my head back and laughed, Theo has never been able to say 'Izzy' he's always said 'Wizzy.' Which made me laugh every time he said it.

I scanned the airport in search of Izzy and his girlfriend, Hannah Maddison. 

"Look there he is!" I gasped and made my way over to him

"Taylor!" Izzy grinned and pulled me into a hug

"My god, I missed you so much." I said and wrapped my arms around Izzy

"I missed you too, and hi Theo!" Izzy crouched down and enveloped Theo into a hug.

I smiled at Hannah, who was shyly standing behind Izzy.

"Hi." I grinned

"Hello." She smiled

Izzy stood up, "Your girlfriend is cute." I laughed

"Hmm? Oh, yes I know. She is." Izzy whirled around and put an arm around her

I chuckled, "Well, it's nice to finally meet you. Izzy would ramble on about you every time I called him." 

"Well, uh." Izzy stuttered and blushed

"Anyways, lets go." Izzy said and took my bag

I held Theo's hand and walked over to Izzy's car. It felt good to be back in sunny L.A. I missed it so much. 

Izzy and Hannah are letting me stay with them at their apartment until I find one for myself. 

"The guys are excited to see you." Izzy said over his shoulder

"Really? They remember me?" I chuckled

"Fuck, of course they remember you. You smashed your stamp on all of them, they never shut up about ya." 

"Even Duff." Hannah chimed in

My smile faltered and I looked out the window.

"Do you think you'll want to see Duff?" Izzy asked

"Eventually." I sighed

"I can't right now, it'd be...too much." I said

"That's okay. No worries, Duff can wait." Izzy said and pulled into the driveway

"Yeah, look I'm really tired. I'm gonna head to bed. Thank you so much for letting me stay here." 

"Tay, it's no problem at all. You sure you're okay though?" Izzy asked

"Mhm. I'm great." I said and forced a smile

"Goodnight." I mumbled

I lugged my suitcase and Theo into the spare bedroom and clicked the door shut. 

I changed Theo into his pajamas and set him into the bed. I sighed and curled up next to Theo, closing my eyes. 

I never thought that I'd come back to the person that hurt me. But here I am. 

A/N Woo, the start of the sequel. I'm so excited for this. I hope ya like the first chapter, sorry it's boring and all, but the next chapter is a bit wild, so get ready. Also, Liv Tyler (the girl in the picture above) is the main character, Taylor, in this book. I believe I mentioned her before in 'Patience', but just a quick reminder. She's so adorable and beautiful!

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