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After my outburst, I kept quiet during the rest of the night, or tried to anyway. I mostly stuck around with the people that I knew and didn't venture out to make new friends or whatever. I avoided Lilly, since I didn't really want to start another fight between us again. 

I was laughing at Slash, with a beer in my hand. Slash was impersonating Axl at one of the many shows that he stormed off from.

"You can thank the lame ass security, I'm going home!" Slash screamed and threw down his cup and pretended to run away, I was laughing so hard that the beer I was holding toppled over the rim. 

Duff was next to me and he was laughing too, he had the same happy smile that I loved.

"What are you doing?" Axl asked

Duff, Slash, and I all exchanged some looks and then burst out laughing again.

"What?" He smirked

"Nothing."  I managed to say through my giggling

Axl cocked his head and shook it off, he went over to Izzy and started talking to him. I glanced back over at Slash and giggled.

"You do a mean Axl impression." I said

"Why thank you." Slash chuckled

I looked over at Duff and my stomach did a somersault. I felt a breath get caught in my throat. I liked his eyes a lot, they were sparkling at everything that he looked at. He took in everything around him with great observation. 

I hopped off of the couch and went into the kitchen to get another drink for Slash and I. I was starting to loosen up a bit now, when I first got here I was pretty tense and nervous, but being around the people that I know helped...also the alcohol.

"Here, my lady." Nikki said and handed me a beer

"Thanks." I mumbled and turned on my heel to leave

"Where ya goin'?" 

"Back to my friends." I answered

"Why don't you stay with me?" He asked

I whipped around to face him, "You really are persistent aren't you?"

"Guilty." He smiled and shrugged

"Well, my answer is still no." I said

"Oh come on," He grinned

"I'm not as bad as you think." He winked

"Nikki, you're very nice, you really are. But, I don't think I should be around you." 

"Why? Because Duff doesn't want you to be near me? Because he's jealous?" 

"No." I said defensively

"And leave Duff out of this, he's just protective of the people that he cares about and only wants the best for people." I snapped

"Then what is it? Izzy?" He asked

"You and Guns just don't get along, and I'm just not interested, Nikki." I said

"So have they brainwashed you? To think that we're all some kind of jackasses?"

"No, will you just stop? Guns doesn't make decisions for me, I can make my own." 

"Oh really? Well, I would've thought that since you're Guns' little tag-along girl that they would be your mentors." Nikki said sharply

"Or maybe you're more than that to them? Their tag-along groupie?" He pondered

"Shut up, Nikki!" I shouted

"Hey, what are you doing?" Duff said from behind

"Oh look, your prince is here to save the day." Nikki grumbled

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