I Can't Quit You Baby

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Even though the band had pretty much crumbled apart with Izzy, Steven, and Slash leaving, they all still remained close while I was away. I remember the day Slash called me, saying that he had enough. That was something I didn't think I would ever hear come from Slash's mouth. Slash and Axl were best friends; un-separable. And then all of the sudden they were on bad terms, and for a while, but Izzy got the two talking again within a few weeks. 

I asked if there was gonna be anything new for Guns, but Izzy didn't think so. That made me a little sad, because I knew how much fun they all had making songs together. But I guess it was good for them to all get a little time on their own. Nearly all of them died while being around each other; influencing each others bad habits. Steven nearly OD'd, Duff's pancreas expanded to the size of a football and almost exploded, thankfully Izzy had some sense to quit drugs and alcohol abuse before things got bad. But I hadn't heard much about Slash.

Slash was sitting to my left, day dreamily watching the television. I glanced over at him and opened my mouth, but shut it, turning back to face forward. I opened my mouth again, turning back to him.

"Somthin' on your mind?" Slash asked hazily

I looked over at him, he turned to look at me with a slight smirk,

"Yeah actually-" I started, clearing my throat to try and find the right words,

"When I was gone, you know, I heard a lot from Izzy and Steven, and occasionally Axl, and - well we used to talk a lot too. But after like a year you stopped calling." I explained while fumbling with my hands,

"Why?" I finally asked

Slash drew in a sharp breath and stared up at the ceiling. I waited patiently for him to reply. I could see thoughts running and jumbling around his head as he tried to compose an answer.  Finally Slash let out a huff and turned back to me, 

"Okay well first, promise to not get mad at me." 

"I can't fully agree to that, but I'll try." I replied with a light smile

"Well, you know that we um - we used a lot, and we drank a lot too." Slash started, I nodded as he continued, "Well I got to using too much and thats when shit hit the fan." Slash sighed

"W-what do you mean?" I asked cautiously

Slash sighed again, as if he was ashamed to say what's next. "Tay, I overdosed. My heart stopped. I was dead for eight minutes." My stomach and face dropped as I stared at him.

"You what?" I asked in shock

"They got my heart started again, which I don't know even know how they did that to this day." He admitted

"You nearly died and you didn't bother telling me this?" I asked, growing angry

"I always told you guys to stop, you could've killed yourself! You did kill yourself! Oh my god, Slash how could you be so stupid? Thank god those doctors knew what they were doing!" I shouted, crossing my arms

"You done yellin'?" Slash asked

"No." I mumbled, but went in for a hug anyway, wrapping my arms tightly around him.

"Why didn't you tell me though?" I asked quietly

"I felt stupid, and I hated myself. And I knew how much it would hurt you." Slash mumbled

"Well, I'm glad you're still here. I don't wanna imagine a world without Saul in it." I grinned, pulling back to face him

"You don't do that stuff anymore though, right?" I ask

"No. I quit, well, Izzy helped me quit." 

I nodded, "That's good."

"Yeah...so hows Duffy boy been doing? He bein' good to ya?" Slash asks

I smirk a little, "Yeah, he's good." 

"So are you two - like, a thing?" Slash asks, curiously. I pause, blinking at him dumbly,

"You know what, I don't know actually." I say, looking up to him

Slash laughs, "Well I think you should know this kinda stuff." 

"I know, I know. I'll have to...talk to Duff about it I guess." I shrug

"Hey, hey, I hear my name!" Duff's voice echoes through the halls

"Hello Duffster." I wave

"Yeah hi, Duffykinz." Slash smiles, to which Duff just rolls his eyes

"What'cha guys doing?" 

"Nothin' bein bored." I shrug

"Well, I actually gotta get going. I'll see you later." Slash waves

"See ya." Duff and I say in unison

Izzy comes in and tosses me an envelope, "That was in the mail for you." He mumbles

I gasp, "These are the photos from that one modeling shoot I had a while ago!" I say, ripping the envelope open and scattering the images on the floor in front of me.

"Wow!" Duff says, sitting on the floor next to me, "These are breathtaking, Tay."

"Really? You think?" I ask excitedly

"Um, yes!" Duff says, as if that was the dumbest question in the world, making me laugh

"Well thanks." I laugh

"Looks like heaven's missing an angel. And it's you." Duff says, picking up a photo

I throw my head back and laugh, "That was cheesy."

"Yeah, but you loved it." Duff says 

"You should do this stuff more often. Like, do it as a job. That would be a fun job. Just stand around lookin' pretty, getting your pictures taken." Duff states, looking at another photo

I think about what he says, it would be quite a fun job.

"I think I just might do that." 

"Good, cause' I'll support ya all the way, babe." Duff winks, making my cheeks heat up

The room falls silent as Duff and I look at all of the photos on the floor. I hold a photo in my lap and look over at Duff admiring my photos. 


"Hmm?" He hums

"Um, what are we right now?" I ask, Duff looks over to me,

"Well, whatever you want us to be. I'm not screwing this up for like, the third time. I'll wait till the end of time if it means that I get to be with you." Duff says, looking me in the eyes

A smile finds its way onto my lips, and my cheeks flush. I get the same feeling I did from when I first met Duff, where my heart flutters, and my stomach does somersaults.

"Oh Duff," I sigh, "you're so good at making me fall for you." 

A/N : Hey hey sorry for this sucky chapter! I know you've been waiting a while for another update. But as you probably know, I am absolutely horrible at updating things. Hopefully things will start getting more interesting in the next couple of chapters. If theres something you guys want to see more of, or if you have a suggestion, leave a comment! I don't bite, I promise. I admire all of your comments. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2017 ⏰

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