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I awoke to an empty bed, I rolled over and looked into Theo's crib. He was gone, I shot up in the bed frantically. I seemed to have forgotten that Duff had stayed the night.

I burst out the door and into the living room, everybody turned to stare up at me in confusion.

"You uh-" 

"You okay there, Tay?" Izzy asked

I nodded, and gulped; brushing some of the hair out of my eyes.

"I forgot that..."

"That I was here?" Duff asked quietly

I nodded once again. "I thought Theo had escaped or something." 

"Well, he woke up when I did and I didn't want to wake you." Duff half smiled

I carefully sat down on the couch and brought my knees up to my chest. 

"So you stayed here the whole night?" Izzy asked

"Yeah." Duff shrugged

"And you slept in the same bed?" Izzy quirked a brow

Duff nodded, "But we kept to our sides of the bed." I mumbled in 

Duff averted his eyes to the floor.

"Does that mean you two have like, forgiven each other?" Izzy cautiously pressed on

"No." I said quickly

Duff and Izzy both turned to look at me. Duff's face dropped and his eyes turned soft.

"I mean, yes. But not like...getting back together forgiven." I explained

"Oh." Izzy murmured

Theo padded up to me, "Who's that momma?" 

I inhaled deeply, looking Duff in the eyes; and turning back to  Theo. 

"Theo, listen carefully to me," I started

Theo nodded his head and stared up at me with emerald eyes.

"That's your daddy." I said softly

Theo's eyes widened, "Daddy?" Theo squeaked

"I have a daddy!" He shrieked

Theo whirled around and ran straight into Duff's arms, crashing into his body. Duff's face lit up, he tightly enveloped his tiny body in his arms; pressing a kiss to his head. Duff's green eyes shut tightly, and a clear tear rolled down his cheek as he hugged Theo closer to him.

I couldn't help but start crying, I had felt so guilty for the last two years; keeping Theo away from Duff. It hurt my heart, I never wanted to take him away; but I was so worried, so scared for his safety. 

I sobbed, burying my head in my knees and letting the tears fall, sniffling loudly.

Duff's gaze met mine, I whimpered. "T-Taylor." Duff mumbled

I jumped off the couch and threw my arms around Duff and Theo, hiding my face into Duff's hair.

"I'm so sorry, Duff." I cried

"I'm so sorry for taking Theo away from you!" I sobbed

"Don't be sorry, Taylor. It's okay, I know why you had to do it." Duff sniffled

He put a hand on the side of my head and kissed the top of my head, and then my cheek. 

"Don't cry mommy!" Theo said softly

"Daddy is here, you don't need to cry." Theo said and tried wiping my tears away

That's the thing about Theo, that I loved so much. He was so caring and sweet, even being so young. He was so much like Duff, so caring and kind just like Duff.

"I love you Theo." I said, holding him close to me and kissing his cheek

"I love you Mommy! You okay Mommy?" Theo said

"I'm okay baby." I smiled

"Daddy what's your name?!" Theo squeaked

"I'm Duff! But you don't call me that, silly." Duff smiled and gently tickled Theo, which in result made him screech.

I stood up from the floor and went back over to the couch and sat next to Izzy. He put an arm around my shoulders and pressed a kiss to my cheek.

"I love you, Tay. And I hope you know that none of us were mad at you for leaving; not even Duff." Izzy whispered

I smiled weakly, lowering my gaze to my hands that were nervously fumbling with the sleeves of my shirt. 


Duff had spent the day over at Izzy's, playing with Theo and getting to know him better. I was pleased to be able to see them together again after so long. When Theo had to take a nap, Duff even laid with him. I also couldn't help myself from taking a picture of them sleeping together. They looked like twins, with their wild blonde hair, and the same nose and mouth structure. 

I was glad that Theo took such a liking to Duff, I worried that when they eventually met, that Theo would be distance to Duff. 

Duff had slipped away from a sleeping Theo and quietly met me out on the balcony. 

I was sitting out and staring at the sunset, I closed my eyes and let the breeze blow my hair back. I heard some shuffling and slowly opened my eyes and was greeted by Duff.

"May I join you?" He asked softly

I nodded and smiled as he sat down beside me, looking out at the horizon. 

"Thank you for letting me stay here all day." Duff said, his eyes locked on something out in the distance

"It's no problem." I said quietly

"So, you forgive me?" Duff asked

"Well-" I stopped and sighed

"I think I do." I said, unsure

Duff nodded. "I should go." He muttered

"You'll be at the party this weekend?" 

"Yeah, I'll be there." I said

"Okay, well tell Theo bye for me." Duff said quietly, and then he vanished; just like that.

I didn't know what to do anymore, I wanted to run up and hug Duff so tightly and closely to me forever. I missed him, and no matter what I said, just hearing his name made my heart flutter. He still meant so much to me. But other times that I thought about it, I was still angry and frustrated with him. Even if Duff was telling the truth, that he was sorry and regretted everything; and that he's never been around another girl, I was still skeptical if things would work out if we got back together again. For now, we both seemed content with just being friendly to each other. Eleanor always told me this cliché little quote, but it always stuck with me. It was "If you love something, set it free; but if it comes back to you, it's yours." And I guess that's what's happening with Duff and I. 

A/N Since this is a lil bit sad and sappy, I thought that little pouty gif of Taylor would be appropriate. Sorry this chapter is a bit short..

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