5.6 The Warehouse and the Way to it

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9:00 A.M.

Lane could hear everything, every heel click on the cobblestone, every laugh, every syllable. There was so much noise. People tapping and clicking and moving and swishing. She clenched her fists in her pockets. Pulling her hat down further over her eyes, Lane trudged on. She never had gone to sleep and was beginning to feel the affects, mainly that she was severely annoyed by everything and everyone.

For the most part, most did not notice her. Sure, they saw her rumpled suit and nice shoes. They saw a dark hat and skin that could almost be white but more resembled the Chinese rail workers than their own. At least, that's what the white people saw. They didn't really seem to care one way or another. It was getting colder with every hour and most of them were poor workers leaving big, full tenement houses.

But she had things to do.

There was a warehouse, she knew, that was somewhere in the city. A friend in Chicago had mentioned it as somewhere people like her were welcome. That friend neglected to mention where, exactly. She could not simply ask a stranger how one would get to a warehouse full of vampires, either.

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