Chapter 1

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Enjoy life, it has an expiration date - zayn Malik

Normal P.O.V

It was a Normal day in fairy tail everyone cheerful and some drunk making everyone laugh Mira's at the bar cleaning glasses and tending to customer, The Thunder God Tribe is sat at there usual table on the second floor Evergreen is bugging bickslow who isn't listening because he is staring at a certain blonde mage on the lower floor and freed is talking WAY to much to laxus but he isn't listening either because it seems he is also watching the blonde. Team shadow gear, Gajeel and PantherLily are sat at a table on the bottom floor there table is just in front of the balcony that over looks all he guild. levy is reading while Jet and Droy are acting like guards, PantherLily Is eating kiwi and Gajeel is eating iron that he makes levy magic up for him. At Team Natsu's table Erza is eating her 23rd strawberry cake so far that day, Natsu is bragging to his team about how he didn't blow up a whole town on their last mission but what he never mentioned is that he blew up the mayor's house and half of the town which caused more paper work the master, Lucy well she is actually posing for one of Reedus' paintings she always loves having Reedus paint her it makes her happy, gray he is making an ice background for Lucy's painting which he has nearly finished and if your wonder what Juvia is doing why are you because its obvious she is stalking gray and mumbling stuff about Lucy being her love rival. As you see everything is normal in the guild until........................

Lucy's P.O.V

Reedus just finished painting my picture. I thank him and get up and turn around to thank gray when suddenly

BAM!!!!!!!!!! The guild doors slam open I jump and then turn around only to be met by someone's chest and the feeling of being spun around. They don't smell like anyone familiar but I'm not a dragon slayer so I Can't really tell. When I stop spinning and my feet touch to ground again I'm still being hugged tight so I don't know who it is

Gray's P.O.V

Lucy thanks me for making the background for her painting when all of a sudden the guild door open and just as lucy turns around to see who it is, the man at the doors runs up to her and hugs her tight and spins her around you can hear gasp's and whispers around the guild like why is he hugging Lucy? Or oh my Mavis what the hell is going on? When he stops spinning Lucy he jut stands their hugging Lucy what!? Scaring a lot of members by his sudden out burst laxus shouts " COBRA!!! WHY ARE YOU HUGGING LUCY AND HOW ARE YOU HERE YOUR SUPPOSED TO BE IN JAIL!!" Cobra lets go of Lucy and she stumbles back in fear But I catch her and bring her back to team Natsu's table. " 1) well I hugged Lucy because I wanted to and 2) I was released from jail about an hour ago"

Cobra's P.O.V

I'm sitting in my cell when Lahar and Doranbolt unlock the door "what is it " I asked. Bit pissed off like who wouldn't be if you were stuck in the same cell for 5 years straight. " well your sentence is up so u don't need to ne in their anymore " " ok.......... WAIT WHAT!?!?!?!?!" Wasn't I supposed to be in here for 10 years ?? Anyway I'm not telling them that. " I said your fr- " " I KNOW WHAT U SAID!" And with that I bolt out the cell door through the halls and outside. I stop for a minute to let my eyes adjust because it is actually quite dark in there but once my eyes have adjusted I'm off again first I go to a cafe and order some food with the money I pick pocketed off all the guards as I ran past first I orders a pizza then I had a huge ice cream sundae after my Meal I sneak into someone house and have a shower ten when I am walking around I see a blonde girl that looks quite familiar oh yeah its that girl what's her name again uh ..... Umm... Oh yeah Lucy. I'm string at the girl for a bit now then my heart starts beating faster than normal when she starts dancing to a song someone was playing on a stall in the market while I'm distracted Lucy walks away and I can't see her anymore right now I seriously need a hug like I've been locked up for so long I'll just get one of Blondie so I follow her sent and it leads to her guild. Before I knew it I burst into her guild and ran up to Lucy hugged her and span her around then put her down and stood there holding her in my embrace for a couple of minutes but it was interrupted by the lighting dragon slayer laxus " COBRA!!!! WHY ARE YOU HUGGING LUCY AND HOW ARE YOU HERE YOUR SUPPOSED TO BE IN JAIL!!!!!!!!!" I look up at him and answer " 1) well I hugged Lucy because I wanted to and 2) I just got released from jail about an hour ago"

Master Makarov's P.O.V

I'm still trying to get my head around why he is here so I just decided to ask " cobra why are you here ? " he just turned to look at me then shrugged his shoulders then turned back to glare at laxus again " Lucy do u know why he hugged you ? ?" She shakes her head no " no clue gramps " I go to talk to cobra again but he is gone oh well back to normal now theeeeeeennnnnn.........* snores* " I'm up I'm up !!!" Oh everyone else is asleep MYSTOGAN'S HERE!!

Word count - 1037

Well stuff happened......

Mystogan: Awww why don't I get a P.O.V in this chapter.

Author: Because the chapter will be too long for my liking so shut up with the whining you will get your P.O.V in the next chapter.

Lucy: Does nobody care that COBRA!! Just hugged me.

Author: I care lu-Chan and don't even bother asking why he did it because that's for mw to know and for you to never find out.

Cobra: Well I might want to tell her

Lucy: Where did u come from?

Cobra: No where!

Author: Ok, ok enough with the jiba jaba I'm tired and WANT. TO.SLEEP. So off you go back into the magic place called my book.

* everybody walking back I to the book*

Ok so I blab on to much bye bye!

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