chapter 14

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Laxus' P.O.V
I'm stood looking over the balcony with Freed, Bickslow and Evergreen sat at our table behind me when Lucy comes zooming in with a panicked look and knocks over 3 people. After quickly apologizing she stands up straight and looks towards to door with a few other. Thanks to my heightened hearing I could hear two voices slowly getting louder........

" I'm going to ask her first!"

" Not if I beat you there!"

" That's cheating!"

" You did it first!"

Lucy turns around quite panicked and scans the room before setting her eyes on me and racing up the stairs.

" help me..." she asked panicked. I raise the back of my coat and point to it with my other hand. She understands and hides behind me out of sight just in time, as I drop the coat the doors come flying open and Sting and Rouge are stood in the doorway.
With a surprised  look on his face Sting asks " where did she go?"
"How am I supposed to know" his brother replied.
Feeling extra nice today I decided to help Lucy out a bit. " she was never here " I boomed from my spot on the balcony.
"I said, she was never here. Now get the hell out of my guild." From being me I heard a quite voice say " it's not your guild....." I chuckled to my self quietly.
"What are you laughing at!" An annoyed voice from downstairs yelled.
"The fact that your still here." Startled the two boys scuttle out the building.

"Thank you" Lucy said emerging from behind my coat.
"No problem. Why were you running from them anyway?"

"Well, it all started when I woke up......."

Lucy's P.O.V
  I woke up this morning with a good feeling that is until I walked out of my house. I had walked into something warm. Something....... FLUFFY!?!? I look down and see I had walked into Lector. Wait, why is Lector outside my house? As I continue scanning the floor I find my answer, Curled up in sleeping bags. " AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING OUTSIDE MY HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!" I scream probably waking up the whole street but don't care right now all I want to know is why Sting Eucliffe and Rouge Cheney the twin dragons are doing outside my house.
" huh? Whaa? What's going on?" Sting asks sluggishly
"Why are you outside my house!"
" Natsu said that if we can't break in sleep outside"
" of course he did" I say depressingly. I step over them and head down the stairs on my way out of the building. "Where are you going!?" They say scrambling to their feet after me. I give out a small squeal and run off down the street, narrowly missing the water as I try to keep my running streak of walking on the edge. " Don't fall in Miss Lucy!" One of the fishermen yell. " I won't!" I yell back and dash of down the street.

About 30 minutes pass, I round a corner and hide behind a rubbish bin. I can hear them yelling.
" which way!"
" figure it out yourself!"
I heard foots steps rapidly getting closer turning around slowly I am met with the face of a cute kitten. "Awwwwww" I whisper when a hear Sting and Rogue run past the alley I'm hiding in. " gotta go kitty" I say waving and rush of into the busy streets of Magnolia. Somehow I had managed to make it to the guild without getting caught. I run in slamming the door open knocking over three people in the process. I apologize and look around the room in a panic I spot laxus up on the balcony with his big coat worth a shot not wanting to waste any time I race up the stairs towards him.

" and yeah.... that's basically what happened."

" oh "

"I need a drink" I say holding a hand to my head.
"You deserve one after all that. C'mon, I'll pay" Laxus says gesturing for me to go down the stairs first. I look at him quizzically this isn't like him. Oh well free drinks! 

Levy's P.O.V
Where's lucy? I ask myself. Looking down at my watch I frown, She's usually here by now. Worried I go to check her house but when I get there she's not there. Hmm? Maybe she left before I got here?  And so I started on my way back to the guild. As I was walking to the doors I walk past Sting And Rogue
" ......your fault that we lost Lucy."
" I was wasn't the one sleeping directly in front of the door!"
" you still slept outside it!"
What are they doing here? And what are they talking about Lucy for?
Confused I walk inside and see Lucy sat with  Laxus "hey lucy" I say. She smiles and waves me over " um Lucy I went to your house to see where you were and just now I saw Sting and Rogue talking about you. Are you ok?" She smiles "yeah I'm good. Apparently they spoke to Natsu." She said slightly annoyed
"Ah" I say in an understanding manner and leave her to her business.

Lucy's P.O.V
After my chat with Levy I turn back to laxus and he places a comforting hand on my shoulder " if you want, you can stay at mine"
"Nah, I think I'll be-"


Every one looked towards the doors as the room fell silent.  In walked Erza with all her luggage. The room erupted in cheers as Erza made her way to the bar and sat on my left. " where did you go?" I asked never before realising that she wasn't here. "  I took a mission this morning"          "oh. That was quick then"
"a favour for an old friend of the Master "

"ERZA!" Gramps exclaimed coming down the stairs. " did all go well?"
" yes Laster Makarov, even better I'd say" she replied with a small smile on her face.
" good. Well then, I DECLARE A CELEBRATION"
The whole room erupts in cheers of joy " you celebrate about everything" Laxus complains to his grandfather.
" it's only nice to celebrate one's victories Laxus, you'd do well to remember that"  Laxus only mumbles a reply and orders a drink.

I don't remember much after that but what I do know is that I didn't wake up in my bed I was lying on something fluffy. And something or someone was lying on me.

ARGHHHH! Sorry!!!! It's been ages!  I have no schedule with this story so end up posting when I feel like it. SORRY!  Love you all and thanks for reading x

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