Chapter 7

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Cobra's P.O.V

I woke up to find that I was in the circle bed thing, don't really give a sh*t what it's called, with the other guys but noticed that Lucy wasn't there " the f#ck" I said to myself quietly while getting out of our bed. I always did find it weird how we shared a bed, oh well anyway back to my hunt for Lucy, I can smell her scent in the air and follow it to the living room. I found her asleep on the sofa awwww I ran back to our room to get the other guys so they could see this. We ran back and all crowded around her Sting poked her face and said " is she dead?"

"no Sting" Mystogan replied.

Time skip brought to you by chibi rogue with bunny ears!

Lucy' P.O.V

It's been a few days since I found all the boys passed out and it was time for us to all leave the beautiful tree village and go back to our guilds. I couldn't wait to go home and be back at my own house but I was definitely going to miss this place I mean we had a pool for Mavis sake. Before the two guilds had to go our separate ways I gave Sting,Rogue and Cobra a quick hug and goodbye before catching up with the rest of fairy tail.

On the train home gray and Natsu were arguing and everyone started to get really annoyed.

" come at me flamebrain!" Gray said gesturing to himself

"don't push me ice princess!" Natsu retorted

"Would you to Shanks SHUT THE HELL UP!" Erza shouted at them. I mean who would blame her they were so loud. They stopped arguing and natsu's face turned green.

I jump off the train and cheerfully skip my way home, I open the door and....

"NATSU!!!!!!!!!!" I scream seeing him sat on my bed talking to happy. " calm down Luigi" happy said

"MY NAMES NOT LUIGI!" I shouted at the cat, while pushing him and natsu out the door. When there were gone I sighed in relief and jump in my bed, falling asleep instantly.

I woke up in a good mood and didn't waste any time getting to the guild.

Arriving at the guild I swung the doors open and took a good look at the guild fighting like usual I sighed and made my way to the bar. sitting down I realised that I had skipped breakfast and needed something to boost my energy, " hey Mira can I have a milkshake" she nodded and went to get my drink. I felt someone tap my shoulder and when I spun around I was met with a piece of paper being waved in my face " hey Luce, wanna go on a job with us" an all too familiar voice said. " sorry natsu I think I'll have to pass on that one, but I'm sure everyone else will want to go" he looked sad and replied " everyone else said they don't wanna go" then he walked off. Ok then, I spun around and found my drink on the table.

A few hours later

(A/N: DISCLAIMER ! Some characters may be a bit out of character because that's how I want them to act ok? Ok.)

I'm about to sit down at team Natsu's table when I'm tackled to the floor by a big purple thing which then gets off pull me up so I'm standing and hugs Me " mhwlp mwe!" I try to say but it comes out muffled. the figure lets go and I'm actually not surprised that it was cobra . " cobra why are you he-" I didn't get to finish my sentence because


The guild doors opened and there stood sting and rogue.

"sting rogue why are you guys here" gray says stepping forward.

"we came here with cobra but when we mentioned we were in magnolia he took of running"

"we new we'd find him here " sting started and rogue finished.

"well you can take him back cuz he's giving me the heebi jeebi's " Natsu pipes up while I'm just stood in the middle confused and everyone's looking at me " well don't look at me I don't know what's happening" I say going to sit back down" there not my problem"

" but we came here to see you!! " all three said simultaneously.

" well you've seen her and now you can go " someone said placing a hand on my shoulder

" KYA!!!!!!!! " I scream jumping and turning around only to see Laxus wincing, probably from my scream I back away slowly knowing that he is not the best person in the morning and me screaming probably isn't helping his attitude. Surprisingly he turns away from me and continues to talk to everyone else but then a fight broke out tables being thrown and insults being spoke, but the worst part of all, I was stuck in the middle of it .


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