chapter 15

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Lucy's P.O.V
I woke up with my head on something really fluffy and a warm weight on my stomach. Opening my eyes slowly I looked down best I could to not disturb the warm presence on my stomach. Looking down I see a familiar mop of black hair, Gray. Wait, why is gray lying on me? Scanning the room I notice multiple sleeping bodies sprawled out like puppies.
Well this explains itself. Someone remind me how I always find myself waking up in the guild after these sort of things.

Shifting a bit, my face comes into contact with a hand. I stiffen but lighten up again when I hear a familiar grunt. " well good morning to you too grumpy"

" I'm not grumpy. Just dislike people"

"With you, is there a difference?"


With that gray wakes up. Kind of. I mean, he woke up for like 3 seconds so he could turn over, then he fell asleep again. Too tired to deal with it all I unconsciously snuggle closer to the fluffy thing, which I'm presuming is Laxus' coat, and fall asleep again. 

Gray's P.O.V
I woke up with the worst head ache imaginable. Luckily for me I fell asleep again dreaming of a wonderful place where no one else exists......

I open my eyes to a scene from my childhood, I was up in the snowy mountains with Lyon and we were practicing our magic, I was using two hands to perform my Magic like Ur taught us to but Lyon was trying to learn how to do with only one. I turn to tel Lyon off but he ignored me " Gray. I'm going to do this. Gray.....   Gray..."
I kept hearing my name I look up at him and his face morphed in Natsu's how charming. . . .

  I open my eyes with a face painted with annoyance, and to no one's surprise Natsu is stood above me.

" ugh, get up you lazy snow cone!"
I flipped him the bird and turned over. As I did so I got a face full of Soft blonde hair. "Lucy, make Natsu piss off" I said as I snuggled closer to her. At least that's what I thought....

" What. The. Hell. Are you doing " a deep  and tired voice grumpily said.

Fair well world! It was fun while it lasted. 

I was sent flying across the room and into a wall.
" ow "
Rubbing my head I stand up and start heading back over.

Lucy's P.O.V
Hours must have past since I first woke up because it was still dark then and the sun is shining brightly high in the sky now. Lifting gray up a bit so I can shuffle out I sneak away as silently as I can. Once outside the guild I have a stretch then go to a cafe to have breakfast.

When I return from my trip to the cafe Mira is inside cleaning around the sleeping bodies of the guild members. " want some help? "  I whisper-yell over to her, so I don't wake anyone up.
"thanks " she whispers back.

And that's how I spent my day until Natsu suddenly jumps up from the floor yelling " YOU WANNA GO SNOW CONE!" In doing so he woke up most of the guild but didn't manage to wake his Dreamland opponent. 

" where is he" Natsu shouts in anger
" calm down Natsu it's fine," Mira attempts to calm him but it's no use, Gajeel however, decide to be an annoying ass.
" He's over there!"
My Curiosity had me walking over to see what would happen but all I'm met with is Natsu laughing his ass off on the floor. Inaudible words coming out in between laughs.

He calms down and starts yelling for gray to wake up meanwhile all this chaos woke Laxus up and he didn't look happy.

I zone out a bit at this point but and brought back by laughter and the wall breaking. What stood out to me most though, over all chatter and noise I could hear quiet chuckling, it made me smile and put a warm feeling in my stomach. That quiet chuckling however, soon turned into loud  laughing. The whole guild silenced down and turned to see Grumpy, Anti-Social Laxus Dreyar laughing. 

Laxus's P.O.V
I slamed gray into the wall and stood up, slightly worried, not that I'd ever admit it, I look over to see if he's alive, And he was. Good. I turn to go back upstairs when he starts laughing and soon the whole guild is laughing and talking away. It made me happy to see everyone like this, maybe I do care... without realising it I was chuckling, which soon turned into loud laughing. Everyone quietened down and looked at me. I walk over to gray pat him on the shoulder   " you know kid you're quite strong " 
I take my hand off and head back over to the stairs 
" HEY!"
I turn to see the salamander in a defensive stance.
"  What about me!"
Standing a little straighter I say             "come on then" 
And he starts punching me but it doesn't really hurt when he's not using his fire. He starts punching me with his fire and it scratches me a bit since I'm not fighting back.
" Natsu"
He stops
" stop. you know you're strong "
Speechless he just stays stood there while I walk back up to my seat.
The guild goes back to normal after that but Natsu has a stunned look about him the rest of the day. 

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