Chapter 2 part 2

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Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na BATMAN- My pyjama's.  
I've split chapter 2 into two parts so it's not REALLY long.

Sting's P.O.V

When we walked in we entered a this massive living room there was a wall window and you could see the whole village and if you went up the stairs their was a bedroom it was amazing it was lighting up and there was a huge circular bed in the middle I went out that room then into another it was the kitchen it was beautiful like you could slide around on the floor also did I mention you could play music in any of the rooms and it will play through out the whole house anyway the kitchen had a table and blue glowing island and all the kitchen stuff you need so I ran back down the stairs told them all to go upstairs they did nd while they were doing that I explored the bottom floor I had a better look at the living room it had a really big plasma tv and comfy sofas then ran into a bathroom it was normal but it was a bathroom so, so what in another room was a awesome Jacuzzi and on it's right was a APSALOUTLY HUMONGOUS!! Purple neon L.E.D lights swimming pool with a wall window view of the village I an back down stairs again and sat on the sofa and went on Netflix and started deciding what to what when everybody else came back they looked starstruck it was hilarious but I didn't laugh because I was the same we decided on watching a horror called The Conjuring (A/N: I've never seen it so ain't saying anything about it ).

Rouges P.O.V.

So we were watching the conjuring that laxus picked it was quite scary actually but I wasn't going to tell anyone that. Lucy was sat next to me and on the other side of her was gray because she said she didn't want to sit on the end of the sofa so he offered, half way through the movie Lucy gets really scared and hugs me making me blush and hides her face in my chest I put my arm around her so she feels safe and wait till she wants to look again when she does It was a jump scare she screams hurting all of our ears especially the dragon slayers she hides her face in my chest again but this time I can fell her hands shaking and her face feels wet oh shit she's crying!! I panic a bit but quickly calm down and pull her closer and tell her that she is fine its just a movie. When the movie is finally over the from of my shirt is soaked she apologises but I tell her its one and just take my shirt of she blushes and turn around " like what you see ? " I ask before she can answer mystogan walk's in the room " hey guys I'm going in the shower" only problem is that he wasn't wearing a shirt either I laugh " classic boys" Lucy mumbles and then walks back to everyone's room and she goes into the connecting bathroom ( A/N: I forgot to mention there is a connecting bathroom)

Lucy's P.O.V

I walk in the bathroom and wah my face and brush my teeth then walk back out grab my pyjamas then walk back in and put them on the walk out again wearing my BATMAN! P.j's I sneak up on the boys singing " Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na BATMAN!!!!!" They all jumped and turned around and I dis a super hero pose one leg bent the other sliding out one and on hip the other in the air they just laughed at me I walked around to the entrance of the bed and all the boys point to the middle at the back so on my right is cobra and on my left is Laxus on his left is mystogan and on cobra's right I gray and in from of me is sting and rouge I lie down and after a few minutes of tossing and turning under the massive galaxy duvet I finally fall asleep with a final thought I wonder how the others are doing?

word count- 718

OMG it's 01:26am I am soooooo tired but committed

Cobra: Good job Millie !


AUTHOR/ME: Don't worry Lucy you'll be fine you have th-

Mystogan: Ssssssshhhhhhhhhh!!!!! They aren't supposed to know that yet

Me:,since when did u know what happens

Mysty( mystogan): Because i made that part happen

Laxus: What are you two talking about????

Mysty and me: NOTHING!

Me: Well you guys off you go back into the book I'm tired!

Everybody: BYE!!

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