>Chapter Nine<

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"Paige! Arron's here!"

I rush down the stairs upon seeing my Aunt watching TV in the living room with Amber snuggled on her lap. She's had a soft spot for her since I showed her to her just yesterday.

"He's at the door." She adds.

I walk to the door before opening it, and can't help but smile when I see my boyfriend. A pair of sunglasses laid on the top of his tousled brown hair.

"Ready?" He smiles.

I smile again, my cheeks heating up when he chuckles, his eyes gazing adoringly at mine.

He chuckles again before holding out his hand,"Come on. Bye Ms.Wilson!" He calls.

"Bye kids! Have fun!" She calls back as Arron shuts the door behind us.

I give him a questioning look when I realise his car isn't parked in it's usual spot in the driveway when he comes to get me.

"No car?"

A smile spreads to the corners of his lips,"Nope."

My brows scrunch up in confusion when he lightly squeezes my hand,"Just relax. You'll see."

I relax my brows and nod my head, very curious as to where he could be taking me.

We walk along the sidewalk. Trying to avoid the road when a car races by every now and then.

I become even more confused when we go the opposite direction of town, the houses behind us getting smaller as we head farther from civilisation.

"Are we close?" I ask, upon passing the local beach. The beautiful waves crashing against the sandy shore before washing back to the rest of the water, conjoining itself with the setting sun just above the horizon.

"Yup." He smiles.

I sigh as we continue to walk. About five minutes pass by when I start to become a little agitated. I know he's trying to do something special for me but what's wrong with taking the car? Why suffer in this suffocating heat that's starting to make my hair frizz?


I shake from my thoughts and turn to Arron,"Yeah?"

He laughs,"I said we're here."

I excitedly turn to see what "here" is and my jaw drops.

Up a little wood boarded path is the cutest little beach home. It's front porch equipped with a hammock and lanterns beautifully hanging from the porch roof.

"My parents bought this place a little after they adopted me. Mostly for vacations."

I just stare at the homely cottage. Everything about it drew you in. The grey exterior and pristine shutters with the dozens of flowers planted around the deck is really.....romantic?

"Come on." Arron says, gently pulling me towards the cottage.

He leads me up the steps and motions for me to take a seat on the little patio set up on the porch.

I smile and take a seat as he disappears into the house. As I wait I look out onto the ocean and smile when I see a family of seagulls waddle across the shore before taking off. One after the other until their all soaring into the horizon.

I hear the door open and motion my body over to see Arron gracefully carry a tray to our little table.

I smile as he sets the tray down; stake and potatoes displayed perfectly on the two trays.

Arron looks to me expectedly,"Is this ok?" He asks worriedly.

I smile,"It's perfect."

He smiles back and lays one plate in front of me before grabbing his own.

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