Chapter Four// CONSEQUENCES!

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"I'm not a stranger, I'm just strange."

--Eli Hudson


I rushed after Noah after class. I could tell you that I walked properly, and made sure I didn't push anyone out of my way, but then I'd be lying to you.

I purposely shoved Zoe out of my way on the way out of the classroom, so there's that. "Noah!" I called after him. He could hear me, but he wanted to continue on with his ignoring. He stopped at his locker, and unlocked it. I rushed towards him. "Noah. Please don't ignore me." I whimpered. Noah stopped his movements and turned to me. "What is it, Arielle?" He said, totally exasperated. "Wh--you..." That's when I realized I didn't know what to say. I didn't think he'd answer me. "You love me." I blurted. Noah frowned at me. Go with it, Arielle. "You love me... and if you love me then you should stop ignoring me and discuss why you're angry." I crossed my arms. Noah sighed, putting his books into his locker, shutting it. "Okay, Arielle. I love you. I love you and yes, I was kind of hurt when you didn't say it back." Noah raised an eyebrow. "That's it? That's all you're mad about? Because if that's it... then I'm really sorry."

"I'm not angry, Arielle." Was all he said. "Then what is it?!" I nearly shouted, causing some students to look at me. "Listen, Noah. When you told me you loved me... I kind of freaked out and I'm really sorry about that, but I need you." I admitted. "I need you, Noah. So... please? Please stop being mad at me." I pleaded. Noah's face softened and I knew I had him. He walked towards me, and wrapped his arm around my neck, pulling me into his chest. "It's okay if you're not ready to say it." He whispered. I nodded, wrapping my arms around his waist. "Dude." I heard from behind me. Noah released me, and I turned around to see Stavo. "You're too focused on the ending." He said again, looking at Noah. "I'm sorry?"

"I'm talking about your horror viewpoint from psych class. It's too basic." Noah looked from me back to Stavo. "You read Hack/Slash? Bedlam? Nailbiter?" I was totally confused by the names coming out of Stavo's mouth. "Comic books." Noah said. "Horror comic books." Stavo corrected. "You take Madder Red from Bedlam. We're not sure is he's a hero or still a blood-lusting freak. Could be both. Every issue has a twist leading to a cliff-hanger. The dramatic conundrum keeps generating bloodshed. And there's always another issue.... and another..." Stavo got real close to me. He looked down at me. "Kind of like Lakewood. The killing never ends." He whispered the last part. I stared up into his dark, brown eyes, this time, I was frightened. Just his eyes seemed to scare me. I felt myself getting lost in them as I stared. "I--I agree." Noah's voice snapped me out of my zone. I backed up from Stavo, into Noah. "That is a broader perspective. That never happens to me." Noah said. Stavo pointed at him, a small smile on his face. He looked at me, "see you around." And then he was gone. Walking down the hallway. "That was weird." I whispered. "You can say that again." Noah agreed. "That was really weird." I repeated myself, laughing a little. "Did you see how close he got. I swear, he's probably got, like, a bunch of bodies in his basement." I said. "I doubt that. His dad's the sheriff. I overheard Brooke say it in class today." Noah looked down at me with a smile. "So he's Steve/Gerard!" I pointed at my boyfriend, feeling happy now that I knew that was the name. "Wait, what?" Noah scoffed. Before I could answer, Audrey appeared. "So, this happened." She held her phone, pointed at us. "Uh, what exactly?" Noah answered, turning around to face her. "I-it's no big deal. It's just another stupid prank and I should ignore it, right?" Audrey told us, not so sure. I moved beside Noah to read the three texts on Audrey's phone.





"Ignoring anything is certain death. We should go to the cops, immediately." Noah answered her. I nodded my head. "Yeah."

Noah took off, walking down the hallway, still holding Audrey's phone. "No, no, no. Noah, I don't wanna go--" Audrey watched as her best friend continued walking down the hallway, away from us. "I just wanted--Noah, come back here with my phone!" She screamed, running after him. Noah began running also, and I sighed. "Yeah, uh, wait up!" I called after them, running as well.


At the police station, Sheriff Acosta sat on the front of his desk, in front of Audrey, Noah and I. "I get it. It's scary. You're a local hero. It increases your street cred, but it makes people want to mess with you." Acosta told Audrey, handing her phone back to her. Audrey quickly snatched it and placed into the pocket of her leather jacket. "I know what you're thinking. It's probably the pranksters from last night." Noah interrupted. "Which is probably right. So this is a stupid waste of time." Audrey snapped at him. "They called late in the night. They keep texting." I added, backing up my boyfriend. "It's more than just a prank." Noah said. "It's a prank." Audrey said again. I huffed. "Would now be a good time to tell you that I got a call, too?" I looked at her and Acosta. "Wait, what?!" Noah sounded outraged. Audrey's eyes widened. "Yeah... I--he--they called this morning, talking about Piper and torturing me. And it was just really weird, but it could be a prank. Honestly, I've gotten so many texts like that since Piper died. Only to find out that it was just some stupid kids from school." I shrugged. "Arielle!" Noah scolded me. "What? It's no big deal!" I laughed shortly. "It's a huge deal if he's doing it to both you and Audrey."

"Hey!" Sheriff Acosta whispered softly to Noah. "Why don't you go get your friends some sodas?" Acosta hinted at Noah. "Oh, okay. Yes, sir. Right away." Noah stood up and walked towards the door. He looked back and gave me a look, before walking out. Acosta followed him to the door, shutting it behind him. "He wants to file a report, but it's not up to him." Acosta told us. "Re-read this." Acosta held a paper out to Audrey. "If you want to file it, you sign it." Acosta patted my back. "I'm gonna get a re-fill." He said, before leaving the room. "Audrey, I think--"

Audrey's phone buzzed, cutting me off. She took her phone out. It was a message. Without her permission, I leaned towards her to read it.



"Audrey..." I breathed. She looked over at me in fear. "What did you do?" I asked. "Arielle..."

"You know, that clip is still blowing up." Noah said, coming into Sheriff's office again. "We could use the digital influence and my podcast to crowdsource and find the caller ourselves." I looked at Audrey, who seemed really mad. I stood up. "Stop, Noah! Just stop." I said in a soft voice. "Have you ever thought that maybe it's you stupid, crazy podcast that did this?" Audrey stood up now. "Crazy? The Morgue? You've been on it, like, seven times already." Noah defended. "Yeah, but maybe it's time to stop obsessing over these murders. It's just a crank call, Noah. Let's go." Audrey pushed past him to the door. Noah scoffed, but held his ground. I bit my lip. They were about to fight. God, I hated when they fought. Audrey turned back, seeing as Noah and I were still in the office. "Piper is dead." Audrey spat at him. "We shot her. That movie's over. Roll credits. Leave the freaking theater." With that, Audrey turned and stomped out.

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