Chapter Fifteen// Into The Woods

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"Wow, you have a dark mind."

--Emma Duval


Water, water, water. I thought to myself. But I couldn't concentrate on one thing. I was trying hard, but it was useless. I walked around the kitchen aimlessly. Oh, forget the water. I began to walk towards the living room. I spotted Zoe, sitting on the floor, with a pillow in her lap. "Have you seen Audrey or Noah?" I asked her. "I think they're... outside." Zoe giggled. "Why are they outside?" I asked her. "I don't know." She laughed harder. My vision seemed to blur as I continued to stare at Zoe. "Are you okay?" She asked. "No, no I am not." I whispered, more to myself than her. I turned away from her, only to see darkness. I was still in Emma's house, though I was alone. There was no music. I put a hand to my head. Something's definitely wrong. Was this the hallucination? If it was just this, I think I'll be alright... "Well, well, well.. Look who it is... No-Longer-Virgin-Arielle." I whipped around to see Nina by Emma's front door. "Nin--Nina, what are you doing here?" I asked. "Isn't it obvious, Arielle? I'm a hallucination, right? I mean, that's what your little friend, Stavo says." Nina laughed. Her laugh seemed to echo throughout the house. "I miss you, Nina." I whispered to her. "I'm not far away, Ari. All you need to do is just think about me, and voila! I'm there." Nina got close to me, poking my nose. "I wish you were still here. I didn't know you were my sister." I said, as my head began to pound again. "But you felt it, didn't you, Arielle?" Nina's smile fell. "N-no." I whispered. "You did. Everyone, and I mean everyone always asked, Ari. They always said it. 'You two look alike, are you sisters'?" Nina mimicked the people who'd asked. "It's the hair." Nina and I said in unison. Because that was always our answer. "Well," Nina touched my cheek. "I've got to go." She told me. I stumbled backwards, my head aching. "W--why?"

"Because, it's time. But, I will be back, I promise." Nina then began to fade from my view. "No, Nina--" But she was gone, and I was left with an aching headache. Never again will I drink something without knowing what it is. My arm was yanked suddenly. And the lights were back on, the music, too, and everyone else was back also. Yanked back to reality, I thought. I gasped as I saw what was in front of me. It was Noah and Audrey. Totally making out in front of me. They pulled away slowly, and seemed confused at each other. Noah turned his head to look at me. "Arielle, it's not what it looks like." He said quickly. "No... no." I whispered, walking towards them. "Your energy..." Zoe was suddenly beside me. "It's glowing." She giggled. She turned to me, grabbing my chin and bringing her lips to mine. I was surprised by the kiss, but I leaned into the girl. She pulled away and grabbed Audrey's face, doing the same to her as she did to me. I looked to Noah. I shrugged and grabbed his face, smashing his lips against mine. I slipped my tongue into his mouth, only to have us be separated. I looked at Audrey and Zoe, who looked excluded. Zoe put her hand on the back of my head and the back of Audrey's, pushing us together. Audrey's lips connected with mine. Her lips were plump and soft, and the kiss felt... nice.

I'd never kissed a girl before. But now... I'd kissed two. I pulled away from Audrey and Zoe pulled us all into group huddle, all of us macking on the other.

"Y--you guys... can, uh, continue with this. I have to go." I pulled away from the lips of Noah. If I hadn't been on that stupid Ayahuasca shit I would've cared that my boyfriend was making out with his best friend and a girl who had a crush on him. I backed away from the trio slowly. I needed to find Emma. Convince her to call an ambulance or something. My head felt as if someone has stomped on it. I rushed through Emma's house, asking random people where she was. "I--just saw her go out that door, man." A junior told me. I nodded and walked towards the kitchen's back door, where the junior had pointed. As I stepped out, the cold air hit me suddenly. I shivered, wrapping my arms around myself. I shut the back door behind me. It was pitch black out, but the porch light helped a lot. I could see into past the trees and bushes. In the woods, I caught eye of her hair. Emma's. "Emma? Is that you?" I said, more to myself than to anyone else.

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