Chapter Thirty-One// Drama Queen

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"Who could resist a murder selfie?"

--Jake Fitzgerald


My opinion is biased? What the hell! I am not jealous of Noah and Zoë. But I'm going to side with Audrey because she's my friend. But I would be lying if I told you that if Zoë wasn't here that I wouldn't be on Noah's side.

I had walked home after school. But only to get my car. Yeah, it was a pain in the ass to find my keys. Turns out, they the keys were in the last place I would look. In the key bowl... beside the door... Thanks, Mom.

While I was home, I changed out of my school clothes and pulled my hair into a low ponytail. I was supposed to go to Noah's house. So he could prove his girlfriend's innocence. I hated that she was just that... his girlfriend. When I got there, things were weird. I pushed Noah's door open and saw Noah at his computer and Audrey sitting on his bed, watching him like a hawk. "Okay, so, that audio file Emma received, it definitely did come from my blog bin. I can't deny that." He got quiet as he looked over at Audrey, who had a hard look. "Will you stop giving me the look." Noah pleaded. "Prove me wrong." Audrey shrugged. I walked in the room, shutting the door behind me. "Arielle. You're here." Noah said, smiling. "Well, I said I was going to be, didn't I?" I raised an eyebrow, walking over to Audrey. I sat beside her. Trust me, there was no warmth coming from Audrey. I sucked in my teeth, looking up at Noah. "So, how do you plan on--"

There was a knock at the door, and in came Zoë. She closed the door behind herself. Audrey was off the bed in seconds. "Why is she here?"

Zoë was quick to defend herself. "He asked me to come over." Audrey and I both looked at Noah. "Although," Zoë crossed her arms. "Now I'm wondering why."

"Hey, great! How about you wonder downstairs?" Audrey suggested, in a mock kind voice. Oh, shit. I stood up. "Audrey..." I trailed off. "Hey! You want to know who sent Emma that file? So do I. And, if someone somehow hacked into the Fortress of Solitude, then Zoë can help us figure out who and how." I rolled my eyes at Noah's words.

"Wait, someone hacked you?" Zoë asked. "Yeah."

"What did they take?" Zoë showed sincere concern and I was starting to question if she really did it. "Oh, yes, please keep playing dumb." Audrey rolled her eyes. She then pointed at Noah. "You asked for this." She took a step towards Zoë, and I knew she had blown her top.

"I think you pirated a very sensitive file from Noah's computer and sent it to Emma." Audrey informed her. "Okay, and why would I do that?"

"To make me think it was Noah, cause a rift between us, get me out of the picture." Audrey listed. "And if I'm out of the picture, so is Arielle. And you'd just love that, wouldn't you." Audrey spat. "I'm not stupid. You two are obviously impossible to get out of the picture. No wonder Noah's still a virgin." Zoë scoffed. I coughed really loud at the word "virgin".

This bitch... Audrey raised her eyebrows with amusement on her face as she turned to look at me. I rolled my eyes. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean for that to sound so--"

"Jealous?" I said, cutting her off. I was mad now. "'Cause it did." Audrey crossed her arms. "She did this, Noah. And there's a very easy way to prove it." I pushed past Audrey and towards Noah. I pushed Noah out of the way, and leaned over the desk. "Wa--What are you doing?" Noah said in surprise. "Just go into your sent files and see if she sent it to herself." I whispered, doing exactly that. "Oh, that'll work." Noah whispered. "Oh, my God. Shocking. Arielle had a good idea." I scoffed, pulling away from the computer so he could do the rest. Almost immediately Zoë spoke. "Noah, there's something I should tell you." Everyone got quiet. Noah looked up from his computer at Zoë. I read the screen. There was a video attachment sent to Zoë Vaughn. "It was you!" Audrey yelled. "No, okay, I--I did send it, but only to myself." Zoë defended. "I'm sorry! You know what a huge fan of The Morgue I am. I just-- I wanted to finish listening to it, but once I did, I deleted it. I did not send it to anyone else, I swear!"

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