Chapter Sixteen// Jake

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"Well, well, if it isn't my tardy sidekick."

--Noah Foster


"Arielle, talk to me."

"I know you're frightened right now, but I still need to ask you a few more questions." Sheriff Acosta told me. But I wasn't listening to him. All I could think about was Katherine. My sister was alive. Emma said that It had been a hallucination. The only part that hadn't been a hallucination was the stab wound in her stomach. It was a relief. I could've sworn she was dead. She was freezing, she was bleeding and she would not wake up. It was some kind of miracle. She was in the hospital (obviously). Intensive care. Turns out, Katherine drank way more than I thought she did. She had wandered out into the woods way before Emma or I did. The knife had JUST missed a major artery. I was allowed to go see her... but I didn't want to. I didn't want to see my sister in that hospital bed. Because I was the reason she was there. I didn't want to see her suffering, which I'm sure she was. And it was my fault. And it turns out, the Ayahuasca wasn't even close to wearing off in the woods.

My dad came back... though he came back with his girlfriend, Miranda. Which, I'm pretty sure my mom isn't too happy about. I loved my dad, but I sure didn't love Miranda. With Miranda, came her son, Theo. The twelve year old little brat. They had been around since I was twelve, the year after my parents split. Dad has this thing called commitment issues. He's been "engaged" to her for five years. Yeah, five long years. If I were Miranda, I'd kick him to the curb.

"I--can I go home? I'd like to go home." I wrapped the blanket they had given me closer around my shoulders. I sat up in the chair, ready to leave. "Arielle." My dad said sternly. His stern blue eyes made me shrink in size. "Go ahead." My dad nodded at Acosta. We sat in the middle of the police station, while Acosta and Deputy Newsome asked me questions. Acosta leaned on the desk, while Newsome sat there, jotting down the answers I gave Sheriff Acosta. "You and Emma Duval said you two saw a masked figure in the woods?" Acosta asked me softly. I sighed, pushing the blanket off of my shoulders. "It was not just a figure. It was the killer." My voice cracked. "The 'killer'?" Acosta looked behind himself at Deputy Newsome and nodded. He turned back to me. "Yes, the killer--"

"Arielle, let's not get into this." My dad cut me off. "Daddy, I am telling the truth! How do you think Katherine ended up like that in the woods?! Do you think that she just fell on a stick?!" I yelled at him. Miranda stood from the chair she sat in. "I'm gonna go back to the hotel. Lana texted." Miranda kissed my father's cheek. "I hope Katherine feels better." Miranda looked down at me. I nodded, but looked down at my lap and waited till she left. Lana was their babysitter. The babysitter that they took everywhere. Sheriff Acosta took Miranda's seat once she was gone. "Now... the Ayahuasca, or whatever... this causes hallucinations. I mean, you did think your sister was dead... did you think to check for a pulse?" Acosta asked. "I know what I saw." I gritted my teeth. "He was out there. In the woods! He was after Emma and I. He tried to kill my sister to hurt me!" I nearly yelled. By now, there were tears streaming down my cheeks. How could nobody believe me? "Please, you have to believe me--"

"Why were you in the woods in the first place?" Acosta asked suddenly. "I-- I saw Emma out there, and--and..." I trailed off. "Arielle, it was the Ayahuasca. Arielle, you have to understand that you have no proof." Acosta told me. "What?!" I screeched, earning looks from other cops. "You guys did see my sister, nearly dead in the middle of the woods, right? Or did I just hallucinate that?" I cried. "She did not deserve what happened to her!"

 "She did not deserve what happened to her!"

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"Okay, Arielle, I need you to calm down." Acosta told me. I stood up. "I'm going home." I said sternly. "Arielle--"

"No, you need to leave, too. You're a terrible father. You weren't here when she got hurt. You weren't here when I got hurt. Multiple times." I added. "Arielle--" Acosta interrupted me. "I'm sorry." I muttered, rushing away from them.

I walked through the school parking lot in a rush. I spotted all of my friends in different areas. But I didn't approach them. "Hey, Ari!" My arm was grabbed and I was pulled aside. Noah stood in front of me with a sad look. "Are you okay? I know you probably wanna be alone, but I really wanted to see if you were--"

"Noah, I think we need to take a break." I interrupted him. "Wh--what?" Noah said in a heartbreaking voice. "Noah... there's someone out there who would kill someone for sport. To hurt me." I whispered. "Arielle--"

"No, Noah. I love you so much. And it scares me. Anyone I love gets hurt. So, please, Noah. Please just let me do this." I felt my eyes begin to sting. "Arielle, I love you." Noah whispered. "I want you to have a chance with a girl who's not going to get you into danger." I looked past him at Zoe, who stood by her car, talking to a friend. Noah followed my gaze. "If this is about last night. With Audrey and Zoe... Then I'm really sorry, Ari." Noah turned back to to me. "Noah, it's fine. Really." I whispered. "We're still friends, right? I'm the Arielle to your... uh, Virgin." I laughed as I said the word. "And Bi-Curious." I finished. Noah nodded slightly. Oh, he looked gutted. I instantly felt bad. But I couldn't take it back.

"Noah, this isn't the end of us

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"Noah, this isn't the end of us." I promised him. I stepped up to him and kissed his cheek. "So please be normal about this or I'll cry. And I hate crying." I whispered. Noah nodded slightly. I turned him around and pushed him gently. "Go talk to her." I urged him. He turned his head back to me. "Arielle--" Noah whispered. "Noah, go talk to the poor girl!" I smiled slightly. He nodded slightly, not looking quite happy about it. But he did walk away from me towards Zoë. I smiled after him.


At the assembly, I sat in the front row. I can't believe I have to be in this freaking Lady of the Lake thing. I thought to myself. I wanted to drop out, but I wasn't allowed. "Hello, students and staff!" Mrs. Lazar spoke into the microphone, making me jump. "It's a beautiful day, and that's why it gives me great pleasure to announce the five finalists that will compete in the up-and-coming Lady of the Lake Pageant. As I call out your names please come to the stage." She said. I knew I wasn't going to be picked, and for that I was quite grateful. I didn't know if I could do it. Too much work. "Andrea Conway!" She called. Cheers and applause erupted from the audience behind me. "Jamie Blumhardt." Mrs. Lazar called again. The two girls made their way onto the stage. "Zoë Vaughn." More cheers. Zoë made her way onto the stage, with a happy smile. I clapped politely. "Brooke Maddox." She then called. "And last but not least, our final contestant... Arielle Collins." I didn't realize she had called my name until the girl beside me nudged me and began clapping in my face. I stood up awkwardly, and made my way to the stage. I climbed the stairs and walked towards Brooke, who was in the middle, who held her hand out to me. I grabbed it and she pulled me to stand beside her, smiling at me. Did they seriously just call my name?

"And there you have it." Mrs. Lazar said. "The five lovely finalists to compete for the title: 'Lady of the Lake'." Everyone clapped and cheered. Mrs. Lazar turned her head to the student holding a rope. She nodded at him and he pulled it.

It started as a small trickle on my forehead. I felt it, looking up, before the whole banner unraveled. What the hell, I thought to myself, as I moved out of the way slightly. Blood poured onto Brooke from above. And something thudded at our feet. I gasped in horror at what was in front of me. I'd seen it before... but Brooke hadn't. I looked to her as she stared at her dead boyfriend. That's when she let out a scream. A piercing scream.

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