Chapter Forty-Four// Come Alone

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"I'm barely responsible for myself."

--Brooke Maddox


"It's coming from the auditorium!" I yelled at Brooke and Noah. They made a turn, before coming to the concession stand. "There!" I said, bursting into the auditorium theater first. I held my hammer up, though nobody was in my way. I gasped as I saw what was on. "Oh, my God! What is this? Who put this on?" Brooke cried from beside me. I spotted Emma at the bottom, and I could've sworn I saw somebody rush down the other aisle. Noah appeared at my side. Brooke, Noah, and I walked down our aisle to meet Emma, and get a better look at the screen. Screams came from the movie endlessly. "You guys, this isn't a movie. This is real." Noah said. I looked up at the screen, just in time to see Nina... Her back being slashed. I cupped my mouth and turned away. I looked back and saw Kieran. When had he--?

"It's coming from the projection room. There must be somebody up there." Emma spoke. Where was Audrey though? "How did they get in?" Kieran asked. "I don't know."

"What if they were already in here...?" I trailed off. Everyone looked at me. "What? Sorry." I muttered, looking down. "Where's Audrey?" Kieran asked Emma. "She's... she's in the back. She's guarding the door." Emma answered. "She shouldn't be alone, not if he's in here with us." Kieran told. "You wait here, together. I'm gonna go get Audrey." Kieran walked backwards away from us, and then turned around and ran towards the back. "Oh, God." I looked back up to the screen, where Jake was being killed. I never wanted to see that again. "I can't even--" Brooke turned away, and cupped her ears. "Just something make it stop."

Noah wrapped his arm around me, and I covered my face. "Okay, okay. I'm gonna go turn it off. You guys stay here." Emma pulled her gun out, and began walking back the way Brooke, Noah, and I had come in. "Brooke, she's turning it off." I assured my friend. Brooke nodded, pulling her hook thing in front of her. "I'll guard the front." I told them, rushing down the aisle with Noah. He rushed into the other aisle. That's when the lights in the theater went off. "What? What--?" Noah turned around and looked around. I could hear Brooke's heavy breathing from where I was. "Noah?" I whispered. "I'm here, in the dark, not alone." Noah called. "You know, Emma will be right back. Kieran and Audrey are safe. Everything's going to be okay. Stavo showing up is just a fluke." Noah assured. A light came from Brooke. She had turned her phone's flashlight on. "And Eli--I'm sure he's just misunderstood." Noah said to himself, not so sure. Brooke kept turning around and around with her flashlight. That's when I heard a creaking. "Wait, what?" I whipped around to look behind the screen. "Shh." Noah hushed. "Listen."

"AHH!" Brooke's scream rang out in the auditorium, and I whipped around to see the killer right in front of her. "Brooke! NO, NO!" I screamed, and before I could move, He pulled Brooke against him and stabbed her... twice. She groaned as he let her drop to the ground. "BROOKE!" Emma was at the front now, and she didn't hesitate to shoot at the killer. I dropped to the ground as the shots rang out. I looked up to see that the killer had gotten away. I ran towards Brooke, where Noah and Emma were. "Call the police, now!" Emma ordered Noah, turning to run after the killer. "Emma, wait!" Noah screamed. "Oh, God..." I applied pressure to Brooke's stomach, where blood was just oozing. "Call, Noah, call!" I said urgently. Brooke continued to groan. Noah complied, dialing immediately. "Hello? Yeah, I need an ambulance to Zenith Theater. My friend's been stabbed!" With that, Noah hung up. "Stay with me. Oh, please, please!" I cried to her. "What happened?!" Kieran came from the back, and bent down beside me to help. "He--he stabbed her!" It was then that I realized it was actually Kieran. But he said he was going to get Audrey, and now... where was Audrey? It was then that I heard the sirens. "Oh, my God! Did you call an ambulance?" Emma was beside Noah now, at Brooke's head. "It's on its way!" Noah told her. "Emma... the police are on their way, too. You have to go." I whispered, totally zoned out, as I stared at Brooke's wounds. "I'm not leaving Brooke!" Emma snapped. "Did you find Audrey?"

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