Chapter Thirty-Nine// #Zoë

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"I would rather be Emma these days than Emma Duval."

--Emma Duval


"SOMEBODY HELP ME!" Zoë's voice screamed from the phone we had found in the hole. I held the video in my hands. Zoë was in a box looking thing also. And I could see some water behind her back. "Guys, guys, there's water." I said quickly. "And she's wearing her Lady of The Lake sash." Noah pointed out. "She's got to be at Wren Lake somewhere." Emma told. "That's where Arielle and I were attacked, too. Wren Lake." Noah said. "It's the dock." I whispered. "What?" Audrey yelled. "The do--dock! That's where you killed Piper." I said quickly. "Yes, come on. It's not far. Let's go."

"He's bleeding a lot!" Audrey told us. She sat in the passenger seat, while Emma drove. I sat in the back with Noah, holding his hand over his wound. "I'm okay, I'm okay. I really am." Noah assured. I knew he wasn't though. Audrey was practically out of her seat, helping him. "Okay, um, we're going to turn around, and we're going to go to the hospital." Emma announced. "No!" Noah groaned. "No, it's fine. We're gonna call the cops and they will get Zoë." Emma told Noah. "He said no cops. We do no cops. We can't... We have to keep going." Noah pushed to speak, as he definitely was... bleeding a lot. I looked his temple, where there was a lot more blood. "Noah, you got stabbed!" Audrey told him. "We save Zoë. No hospital!" Audrey looked from me to Emma, and then back to me. "Okay... Emma, keep going." I whispered, even though it hurt me to do so. We were risking Noah's life. But... there was a chance that we could save Zoë, and if that made Noah happy, then I was going to do it. "Help! Help me please!" Zoë's voice screamed again. "Okay, Emma, faster." I nudged her shoulder from behind. Emma obeyed, driving faster. Past the speed limit. But nobody cared. We needed to get there.

We pulled up to the place I dreaded the most. The exact spot Piper had died. The spot she had literally gutted me and kicked me into this freezing water. Audrey got out of the car immediately, rushing towards the dock. Emma, Noah, and I raced after her. Audrey got to the end of the dock, seeing nothing, she turned back to us. "She's gotta be here somewhere!"

Zoë's voice screamed from the phone again, and my heart pounded against my chest. "Zoë!" I screamed. If something happened to her... I would never forgive myself. Because I had been such a terrible person to her... I had been mean. And territorial with Noah. "Wait, what's that over there!" Emma pointed to the beginning of the dock. Where there was a rope in the sand. "She's still alive! Hurry!" Noah called to us, as we had begun to run towards the rope. We pulled on it. It was attached to something in the water. It was revealed to be a coffin like thing. Like the one Noah had been in. "Hold on, Zoë. We got you!" Noah yelled, pulling at the back of the rope. "Zoë, can you hear us?"

Water drained from the coffin, as Noah used his hands to pry it open. And it revealed Zoë... She still looked pretty. Her braids were flailed behind her, floating in the water that was left. Green eyes wide open, staring up at the sky... She was gone. It was too late.

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