Chapter Twenty-Six// Prove it

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"You weep for the Jake."

--Jake Fitzgerald


You're insane, Arielle. A voice inside my head told me. "Maybe." I whispered as I climbed the drainpipe of Stavo's house. I had this brilliant idea after Mrs. Lazar's lesson on the three P's.

I was going to find out who this killer was. Even if it killed me. Stavo was my first guess. New kid. Scratch that. Creepy new kid. I pushed his window open and threw my leg, trying hard to get in. "Ooh, bad idea." I whispered, but followed through, falling into the room. God, I was hoping this was his room. I huffed, pushing my hair out of my face, looking around the room. Dark. Not in brightness wise... but goth kid wise. Definitely Stavo's room.

There were drawings all over the room, and it was quite messy. I stood up, and pulled my sweater off. I clapped my hands together. "Let's do this. Where would I hide my murder-y stuff if I was a murderer?" I asked myself, walking around the room. I moved his covers from his messy bed. Nothing. I lifted the twin sized mattress. Nothing.

I huffed. "Think murderer. Think murderer." I told myself. Well, I wasn't Nancy Drew! I twirled around the room. I saw a book on his desk, and walked towards it with a smirk.

I opened it. I frowned at the first picture; it was half drawn. But it was without a doubt Brooke. I flipped the page to see another half drawn picture. Of me.

I stared at it in wonder

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I stared at it in wonder. "Well, shit." I muttered. I turned the page again, only to see another picture drawn of me. My arms were crossed, my hair in curls. There was so much detail in my face even I couldn't believe it.

I turned the page again

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I turned the page again. Me again. I turned it again, and again, and again. They were all of me. ''He's obsessed with Arielle'' I remembered Audrey's earlier words. Every picture of me, there was no blood. He always drew me looking pure. And the only color he'd ever use on some of them were for my hair and my lips. Red for my lips, orange for my hair. I looked around the room more, and this time I noticed another drawing of me, right by his closet. I walked closer to it. It had a lot of color on it. There were rainbow colors that made it look like there were tears going down my cheek. It was only half a picture. But I knew it was me, because at the bottom it said "ARIELLE" in big letters.

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