Chapter Thirteen// Virgin?

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"Sage is a trained attack Pomeranian and she will gut you on command."

--Nina Patterson


"I totally wanna be Lila Crane, when it comes down to it." I told Noah. I lay on his bed, sipping from my can of coke. Noah was on his computer, getting things ready for his next podcast. "Lila Crane got there too late, Arielle. Her sister was already dead. Plus, she died in the second movie." Noah turned around in his chair to face me. "Who has time to watch the sequel?" I laughed. "Obviously not you." Noah laughed. "Okay, then. I'll be Nancy." I told him. "From Nightmare on Elm Street?" Noah cocked his head to the side. "You realize she dies, right?" Noah reminded. "Yes! But she dies after delivering another killing blow to Freddy Krueger." I pointed at him, sitting up. "And before that, she teaches a new generation of teenagers how to defend themselves against Freddy. For those reasons, she earns the distinction of fiercest Final Girl." I explained, putting my Coke on his nightstand. Noah's face changed, and suddenly he smiled. "Yo--you've been spending way too much time with me." Noah shook his head. "Well, that's because I love you." I muttered, looking down at my nails. That's when I realized that I had said it. I looked up at Noah, my eyes wide. "Did you just--"

"Noah, do not make a big deal out of this, because if you do... I'll start crying, and I--" I trailed off. "Arielle," Noah stood up and walked towards me. "Noah, don't you even--"

"You love me." He said in a sing-song voice. "Noah, I will hurt you." I whispered, going onto my knees. I was now the same height as Noah, as I was on the bed. "You won't hurt me, you loooovvveee me." Noah replied. "Nope, I take it back." I crossed my arms. "You can't take it back. You've already said it." Noah teased. I looked up at him and smiled. I uncrossed my arms and wrapped them around his neck. "If it helps... I love you, too." He whispered, pressing his lips against mine. I tangled my fingers in his hair. "Noah." I whispered, pulling away slightly. He opened his eyes and saw my face. I smiled deviously. "Arielle... we do have to go back to school." He reminded. I rolled my eyes, and pulled my shirt over my head. "School can wait." I smiled, throwing my shirt to the side. Noah nodded. "Yeah, uh... definitely... I mean, sure--" I cut him off by pressing my lips to his. I reached my hands out to pull his shirt over his head. I pulled away to pull it all the way off. "Do you have a--"

"Yep." Noah reached for his nightstand, spilling my Coke with his crazy movements. He pulled open the drawer, revealing a bunch of condoms. "So... you were just waiting for me to give you the okay?" I laughed. He nodded, coming back to me. "Pretty much." Noah attacked my lips with his again, pushing me onto his bed. I laughed at his eagerness, allowing him on top of me. "A--Are you sure?" He whispered. He moved from my lips to my neck. I nodded. "Mhm."


"Virgin, really?" I panted. "Really." Noah smiled over at me. "That was amazing." I grinned. I sat up in his bed began to get up. "I was not expecting that today." Noah muttered. "Me either." I laughed. It had happened. Finally, and I mean FINALLY. Virgin Arielle was no more. I grabbed my underwear that hung on the back of Noah's computer chair. I shook my head in confusion. "How... did these get here?" I laughed. "Well, I mean... you were excited, I was excited." Noah played with his fingers. I snickered, pulling the underwear up my legs. "We have to get back to school, right?" I asked him, turning around the room quick, trying to find my bra. I finally spotted it on top the door to his closet. "Nice." I mumbled. "Uh... school ended about an hour ago." Noah told me. "Wait, what?" I whipped around to face him. "Yep." He nodded. "Oh, my God!" I giggled, jumping to grab my bra. I got it down on one try. I pulled it on. I reached around to clasp it, when I felt hands on my back, already doing it. I smiled. "Thank you." I turned around to see Noah in his boxers. "Are you coming to Emma's for the party tonight?" I asked. "Yeah, totally. I invited Zoë along with us." My smile faded. "You, what?" I gritted my teeth. "Wh--what? Is there a problem?"

"Yes, there's a problem, Noah." I crossed my arms. "I invited Audrey, too... is that also a problem?" Noah asked me. "No... Audrey's Audrey." I waved him off. "That--what's your problem with Zoë ? She's nice." Noah questioned. "She's nice, because she likes you." I told him. "Zoë doesn't like me." He scoffed. "Yes, Noah. Yes, she does." I rolled my eyes. "She admitted it to Brooke, right in front of me!"

"She told Brooke that she likes me... right in front of you?" He asked incrediculously. "Well... not in so many words." I sighed. "Arielle, you have literally nothing to be jealous of--"

"Jeal--You think I'm jealous?" I raised an eyebrow. "N-no?" Noah guessed. "Well, I'm not!" I jutted my chin out. "I--I'm very confused here." Noah admitted. "I just don't like her, okay, Noah? She rubs me the wrong way. Can you just--? Okay?" I tried. "Arielle, Zoë is just a friend. She will always be a friend." Noah told me. My phone began to chime on Noah's desk. I rushed towards it. It was Brooke.


"Yeah, uh, hey. Could you get to Emma's in the next ten minutes? We need more help." Brooke pleaded. " Oh, uh... sure. I'll be there soon." I promised. "Great." I hung up, placing my phone down. "Where are you going?" Noah wondered. "To Emma's. They need help setting up." I told him. "Oh, do you want me to come?" He asked. "Oh, uh... no, it's okay." I smiled at him, grabbing my dress from his floor. I pulled it over my head in a rush, not stopping to fix it. "I'll see you tonight." He said, smiling at me. I walked towards him, wrapping my arms around his waist. "Of course." I responded, kissing his lips. "Uh... Tell Audrey to call me, okay? I need to talk to her." I told him. "Will do." He smiled against my lips, kissing me back.

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