Chapter 4: Introduction

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Chapter 4: Introduction

  When we made it to the classroom, the teacher looked up from her desk and said "Oh, you must be the new studentsI am receiving today." "Yes, this is them." replied Esmewhile gesturing her hand towards us and said "This is Emmet, Alice, Bella, Jasper, Rosalie, and Edward." "Well hello children, My name is Ms.Roberts." said the Teacher, there was a moment of silence until Ms.Roberts looked at Esme and said "It was nice meeting you Mrs.Cullen." Then Esme replied back "it was nice meeting you too, Ms.Roberts"

  Then Esme looked at us and said "Kids, to go now, you play nice with the other kids, ok." We all replied saying "Yes" in unison. Then she walked out of the room and waved while saying "Bye and I'll pick you up at the end of the day." We all waved at Esme until she was out of sight.

   Then we turned around to look at the teacher, after a moment of silence she finally spoke up and said "You all can sit over here." We followed her over to some empty desks and she told us to just pick a seat, so I picked the farthest one from the board.

  Then my family picked a seat and sat down as well. Ms.Roberts told us that we all will Introduce ourselves, then we'd have Recess. It turns out we we're hours late, but we we're cut some slack because we are new.

  I Introduced my self first toget it over with. Then I was followed by Rosalie and Jasper standing up and saying "Were twins" while pointing at eachother in unison. The class laughed along with Rosalie and Jasper. Then the rest of my family Introduced theirselves and I realized that all the girls we're staring at Edward when he introduced himself, it was pretty funny. When the Introductions we're over it was time for Recess, which I was glad about.

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