Chapter 14: The Truth Comes Out

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Chapter 14: The Truth Comes Out

Edward and I were watching Tv, with Tanya still glaring at me. Then Carlisle walks in and says "Kids were having a family meeting." Then every one comes into the living room. Carlisle then looks at us and says "Emmet your mate is Rosalie, Jasper your mate is Alice, and Edward your mate is Bella." Then Edward turns to me and whispers "I didn't need him to tell me that." in my ear. I smiled at him and he gave me my favorite crooked smile in return. Then Carlisle says, "Oh, and your married to your mates, here are your rings ladies, but you cant ware them to school till you get older." Then me, Rosalie, and Alice take our rings from Carlisle while saying "Okay" in unison. Then we went upstairs to our rooms (sorry forgot to mention that they seperate rooms at the new house) and put our rings away. Then we went downstairs and sat back down next to our mates.It was almost time to get dressed, so me, Rosalie, and Alice went upstairs early and started to discuss outfits to ware.

They helped me choose to ware a red tanktop with a waste tight jacket over it and some skinny jeans with black boots. I don't look like a hooker though, i just look even sexier. Then me and Alice chose a pink lace blouse with a white tanktop inder it, since its see through and some skinny jeans with some white boots for Rosalie. After that me and Rosalie chose a brown jacket that is tight around the waste with a light pink tanktop under it, with skinny jeans and brown boots. We all look drop dead gorgeous, actually we all look sexier than sexy.

The boys watching tv whe we came down. They are already dressed. They were watching a game on tv when emmet looks up and his jaw drops. Then the other two look up and their jaws drop as well. Thats when Rosalie speaks up and says "Close your mouths boys, your letting the flys in." The guys shook out of it and Rosalie, Alice, and I laughed. While Tanya just glared at us.

Then Esme walks in and says "Its time to go." After a moment of silence passed, she sees us and says "Well don't you girls look beautiful." We all grabbed our book bags and then went at vampire speed to the car. Edward opened the door for me. Then I got in and he followed. Then every one else piled in, we all got buckled up when Esme got in the car. She then drove up the long drive way and I looked out of the window as the house disappeared down the road behind us.

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