Chapter 25 (Concert Day pt. 2)

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We had just gotten back on stage, when Ella and a one of our body guards ran in.  He told us to run back to the dressing room with Ella.  So we left through the back of the stage.  When we stepped into the hallway, we saw a ton of security guards standing in front of a mob of screaming fans.  Our body guard rushed us into the room and locked the door from the outside.

"What the hell was that?" Calum asked in confusion.

"The fans must have gotten in somehow." Ashton stated the obvious.

"No shit Sherlock, but where's Bryana?" Michael asked in concern.

We all looked towards Ella as she pulled out her phone and typed in her response.  It said that Bryana had tried to hold the crowd off, but they got past her.

"What if she's hurt?" Ashton said suddenly, and ran towards the door.  Michael and I held him back to prevent him from getting mobbed by fans.  He gave up soon enough and walked over to the couch, sitting down and sighing.

Ella, Michael, and Calum had sat down on the floor.  Ella was leaning against Michael, while Calum rubbed her back from beside her.  It killed me that she was shutting me out, but It's my fault.  It's for the best.  

A few minutes had passed and Ashton was texting and calling Bryana over and over.  I was sitting on the couch watching Ella in the corner.  Michael had shown her and Calum something on his phone and they were giggling quietly.  Ella caught me staring at her and she gave me a weak smile, before pointing out something on Michael's phone, to which Michael and Calum started laughing harder.

We heard someone unlocking the door and everyone looked over.  One of the security guards let Bryana in before shutting the door.  Ashton ran over to her and engulfed her into a hug, mumbling things in her ear.

"I would've called, but that mob knocked me over and broke my phone." She explained, showing us her completely shattered phone.

We waited for what felt like hours, until the security guard came back in and said it was safe to leave the room.  This had cut our rehearsal time majorly short.  We couldn't have anymore breaks until before the concert.

We rehearsed for the rest of the time.  Ella and Bryana came in and out from time to time, to watch us a few times.  Finally, it was time for out final break before the concert.  Calum and Michael were talking quietly over in at the mirror, while Ella and Bryana were on their phones.  The only person left to talk to was Ashton.

"Hey man, you ready for the concert?" I asked eagerly.  I was trying to get him to talk to me again.  Lately Ella hadn't been the only one blowing me off.  He just nodded and continued drinking his water.

Our manager came in and told us we had 5 minutes before we needed to be on stage.  Bryana and Ella left so they could go take their seats in the front.  We all had our last few gulps of water and silenced our phones.

We left the room in silence, which was unusual for us.  Given the circumstances lately, it was understandable.

We walked backstage quietly.  We heard the chatter of the crowd outside.  We watched as the lights dimmed, signalling for us to walk out on stage.  The crowd went wild.  Ashton started us off with a drum solo.  The concert had begun.


We were halfway through our show.  We were sweaty and hot, but still buzzing with adrenaline. Our next song was Jet Black Heart.

Michael started on guitar and I joined in seconds later, along with the rest of the band.  As I started to sing the lyrics, my eyes couldn't help but drift to Ella.  She was swaying and looking over at the other side of the stage.  She looked over at me, and her smile faltered.  When I looked into her eyes, it was like the world had stopped.  I know she felt it too.

She put her head down and quickly made an exit.  It messed me up and I forgot the lyrics.  The crowd started singing along, probably thinking I had stopped on purpose.  I shook it off and continued the song.  Nothing could ruin this concert.


What the hell was he thinking? He couldn't just stare into my soul during such an emotional song.  It was completely unfair.  I quickly fled the scene, I needed air.  When I passed Bryana, she gave me a look of concern, but I left anyways.  I walked down the hallway that had been crowded not too much earlier.

When I went outside, I saw Arzaylea leaning against the wall.  I hadn't realized she left the concert.  When I got closer, I could see tear streaks down her face.  I tapped on her shoulder and she looked over at me before sighing loudly and starting to turn in the other direction.  I grabbed her shoulder before she could walk away.

I knew she had been pretty horrible to me lately, but nobody deserves to be hurting and have no one there for them.  As far as I saw it, it didn't even seem like Luke was there for her.  She turned around and looked at me straight in the eyes.

"He loves you." She whispered.  I knitted my eyebrows together in confusion, not understanding what she meant.

"Luke.  I see it in the way that he looks at you.  I tried so hard to make him love me, but who was I fooling? He never loved me.  He loves you.  I'm sorry about the way I've been acting.  I guess I was just jealous.  I've never been too good with guys." She chuckled quietly, wiping away a tear that had ran down her cheek.

"The only reason he ever even pretended to like me, was because I was hired to be his fake girlfriend.  I guess I should have noticed that he didn't feel the same way as I did when he lost the light in his eyes.  The light that's always there when you're with him." She sniffled, and gave me a weak smile.

"I'm going to head home.  To my real home, not the hotel.  Will you give this note to Luke? It explains that I quit the contract we were on.  He can stop pretending to be happy with me now." She handed me a white envelope with Luke's name on it.  I nodded, and pulled her into a hug. She obviously wasn't expecting it, so she hesitated before hugging back.

She waved goodbye and walked to her car.  I watched as she got in and started her car.  She pulled out of the parking lot and before I knew it, she was gone.  I slid the envelope into my pocket before heading back inside.

I managed to go back inside in time for the last song.  I watched them perform with passion.  They seemed to have a good vibe that nobody could kill.  When they finished they said their last few words before heading off stage.  I went out the doors that led tot he hallway I was just in, and turned to the dressing room.

The boys were smiling and chatting while taking big sips of water in between sentences.  They cheered when they saw Bryana and I enter the room.

"Hey, where's Arzaylea?" Luke asked all of a sudden.  I pulled the envelope out of my pocket and held it out to him.  His smile faltered before he took the envelope and ripped it open, pulling out a folded up piece of paper.  He unfolded it, and I watched as he read it with a blank expression.

When he was finished.  He folded it back up and put it in the envelope.

"Thanks." He said with a weak smile, before he put the envelope in his pocket.  I nodded and watched as he went back over to the group to join into their conversation.

So now I was left here thinking.  What now?

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