Chapter 33 (Spoken)

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A lot has happened in the past few months, so let me fill you in.  I'll start off with my friends.  Caleb and I are now dating actually.  He asked me out at Christmas time.  It was actually pretty romantic.  Gabby was dumped by the populars yet again, and tried to come crawling back to us.  Caleb had been so fed up that he finally decided it was time to cut ties with her.  We have a new friend now.  Her name is Diana and she's the sweetest thing you will ever meet.

Next comes family.  Calum and Michael had both actually gotten girlfriends! (Crazy right?) They are both actually pretty cool and hang around our place a lot.  Luke took a break from the band, which sounds alarming but let me finish.  He went through a weird phase where he stopped doing his hair like he normally would, and he got his lip piercing removed.  He kind of lived in a hotel on his own for a little while to figure some stuff out.  He just wasn't in is right mind.  He came back about a month later, happier and way more energetic than I've ever seen him.  He had written a few songs and was ready to get back in his groove.  Bryana and Ashton's relationship has remained as cute as ever.

Now comes excess stuff.  Like how I still work at my lovely job with my boyfriend and new co-worker Diana.  Johnny the 'bad boy' dropped out of school a couple of months ago.  He said he was fed up with everything and everyone.  Nobody has seen or heard from him since.  I also redid my room a little bit.  Same furniture and stuff, but now it felt a lot more like home with framed pictures of my friends and family.

Finally, and probably most important, comes my private lessons with Miss Adams.  So much progress has been made.  I can hum small tunes and I laugh all the time now.  But tonight is the big reveal.

I'm finally going to speak.

Nobody knows about it except for my choir teacher.  She's so supportive and is very happy for me.  Tonight is my 17th birthday party.  With all of my family and close friends around, I'm going to make a toast about a new chapter in my life.  A new chapter where I can finally leave my little bubble with no words.

As I stand at the top of the stairs with my beautiful dress on, I look down to see everyone that I love.  I'm very nervous, but I know I'm ready.  It's time.  I descend the staircase as everyone looks up at me as I smile and wave at everyone.

I make my way to the coffee table, as everyone stares in confusion.  I take a step onto it and raise stand looking at everyone.  All eyes are on me and I suddenly feel on the spot.  

I take a deep breath and open my mouth.  Here we go.

"I-I love all of you guys so very much." I say with a quivering voice.  I feel tears well up in my eyes as I see everyone's faces.  Finally, Bryana and Ashton burst out crying, wrapping me in a hug.  I feel happy tears run down my face as I hug them back.  

People start gathering around with tears in their eyes and clapping their hands.  I see Miss Adams standing across the room and I run over to her and hug her tightly.  

"I'm so proud of you." I hear her say.

"Thank you." 


This probably came as a shock to all of you, but that's what I wanted.  I've spent so much time and energy on this book and I love it a lot.  Of course there are many flaws, but this was exactly how I intended to end it.  I didn't want it o be gradual, I wanted it to be all at once.  I wanted it to hit you guys right in the heart.  I wanted a large time skip and now I want a sequel.  But I need you guys to want it as well.  Comment if you would like to see a sequel but I have some other exciting news.

My new book 'Hey Princess' will have the first chapter published tomorrow.  I'm excited for you guys to read it.

Again thank you so much guys.

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