2) Dan: First Encounter

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At 10:00 in the morning everyday for a few weeks, a cute, brown-haired boy named Dan would order coffee. You always asked the other baristas to let you take his order because even though the two of you talked for only a brief moment, it was enough. Hearing his voice was like listening to a siren's song: so intoxicating, so lovely, and so enchanting. Simply just seeing him made your day too, and he was certainly the cutest customer you had ever seen. Which, considering the countless customers that flirted with you, was saying something.

One day, your best friend was tired of you swooning over him. "You should just ask him out!"

"(Y/B/F)! That's just weird! I've never spoken to this guy before, I can't just suddenly ask him to go on a date with me!" Your throat suddenly became dry, and you couldn't even defend yourself without having a coughing fit.

"Fine. For now, at least take a picture of him. Doesn't matter how, just figure out someway to do it. Then, we'll begin the process of getting you a new boyfriend!" (Y/B/F) squealed. "This will be so fun! I'm always so good at playing a matchmaker, I love it!"

"Ugh, fine. I'll get you your picture." You sighed and rolled your eyes. You knew it was just better to agree with your best friend since they were always so stubborn. One way or another, Dan was going to be your boyfriend if (Y/B/F) could help it. You loved and hated them for that, but if they could get this handsome, jaw-dropping stranger to date you, the awkwardness and pain was worth it.

The next day, Dan showed up right on time. You asked another barista, Cheryl, to take his order this time. She raised her eyebrow and glanced at you, stunned. "Are you sure, (Y/N)? You always take his order." You nodded your head. She shook her head, shrugged, and turned to take Dan's order. When you were positive he couldn't see you, you took out your phone and took a picture of him. You quickly sent it to (Y/B/F) and turned off your phone. You had to get back to work and couldn't handle them blowing up your phone with how amazingly gorgeous Dan was.

A few hours later when you were on your lunch break, you took out your phone. Let's see what (Y/B/F) has to say about Dan, you thought. You opened your texts, and to your surprise you read:
(Y/B/F): (Y/N)! Oh my GOD! That's Dan! As in my Dan, like the foreign best friend. The one who's in a band!

Your hands violently shook as you typed:
(Y/N): No way! I cannot BELIEVE Dan the coffee guy is Dan the band guy. This is way too good! This means you can hook me up, right????

(Y/B/F): Definitely! I'm a little peeved that he didn't tell me he was in town, but I have a plan. This is amazing, I'm so happy! I get the chance to really be your matchmaker! I really am the greatest friend ever! 

(Y/N): Yeah, yeah. You are the greatest. But what's your plan?

(Y/B/F): A few minutes before he gets there, I'll wait in line and order coffee. When he walks through the door, I'll see him, act all shocked, and introduce you two. You guys can hit it off, and boom! You'll be a couple in no time!

(Y/N): This is a really great plan, I'm proud. Let's just hope it'll work

(Y/B/F): Please, (Y/N). My plans always work.
Let's just hope that's true, you thought. The plan did seem pretty simple, but, knowing you, you'd manage to find some way to screw it up.

The next day, (Y/B/F) was there on time, and the plan was in motion. After ordering, (Y/B/F) saw Dan walk through the door. They ran up to him, and the two talked for a little bit. They walked over to the counter where you brought (Y/B/F) their latte. They winked at you and said, "Dan, I'd like you to meet my other best friend, (Y/N). You guys would get along splendidly!" You waved at Dan, and he waved back and smiled at you.

"Wow. It's crazy, (Y/N) always takes my order. I'm glad to finally get to know their name," Dan said. You blushed when suddenly Cheryl tapped your arm.

"Hey, do you want me to cover for you? It seems you finally got the guts to talk to Dan, and I don't think you're in any shape to work," Cheryl whispered, and she smiled at you. You hugged her tightly.

"Thank you so much, I honestly don't know what I'd do without you!"

(Y/B/F) coughed. "Well, I'll leave you two alone, I've got things to do and people to see. Bye!" You and Dan waved goodbye at them, and you looked at him shyly.

"So. I suddenly don't have to work anymore, so do you wanna sit down and talk?"

"Totally." You led Dan to a table in the corner of the shop and sat down. This was all you could have imagined and more. The two of you talked for what seemed like hours until you turned around and saw your boss staring down at you. He coughed.

"Get back to work! I can't tolerate my employees blowing off work to have dates with customers!" He yelled at you. Your face turned bright red.

"Sorry, Dan. I have to go back to work apparently. It was nice talking to you while it lasted. See you later." Before you left to go back to the counter, Dan grabbed your arm.

"Wait! I didn't get your number!" You smiled and exchanged numbers with him. When he left, Cheryl apologetically looked at you.

"Sorry the boss ruined your date. I tried to stop him, but he quickly realized business was slow and you weren't there. I hope you guys talked and had fun, though."

"Cheryl, please, I appreciate all of this, thank you. Talking with him was magical, and he really seemed like a great guy." Cheryl nodded, and you went back to work pleasantly thinking about Dan.

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