6) Phil: Reunited

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Tw: Death, brief mention of a car accident

You are visiting your boyfriend, Phil, in London for a trip. The two of you haven't seen each other in so long since you live in America, and everyone is right; it's hard keeping a long distance relationship, but it was worth it for Phil. Anything was worth it for Phil.

You decide to play Pokemon Go while you're walking to Dan and Phil's apartment. Their apartment wasn't too far away from your hotel, and you felt like you knew the area well enough to walk over there.

You look at your phone's battery, and realize it really wasn't a great idea to play Pokemon Go, as it's drained almost all your battery. Looking around, you figure you must've taken a wrong turn because you don't even recognize the area anymore. Panicking, you hurriedly call Dan and explain the situation. "Shit, now my phone's at 4%," you say.

"Okay, so, uh, do you see any street signs or anything familiar?" Dan asks, trying his best to calm you down.

"Um, oh! There's the restaurant where Phil and I first met," you say, smiling dreamily as you remember how adorable Phil was.

"Oh, right, the Italian place. Phil talks about that place all the time. Seriously, (Y/N), he misses you a lot, and he won't ever stop talking about you." Even though this sounds sweet, you can practically hear Dan roll his eyes through the phone. He hates romance, especially cheesy romance. But, he loves the both of you, so he tolerates as much of the sappy stuff as he can.

You blush. "Aw, really?"

"Yeah, so let me call Phil and tell him to meet me at the Italian place so you two lovebirds can spend some time together."

"Okay, and thank you so much for all of this."

"You're welcome, and I swear, it's like I have to plan everything for the two of you. Next I'll be planning your wedding." And with that, Dan hangs up and leaves you waiting to finally be reunited with Phil.

About an hour later, it starts snowing, and you start to wish you brought a thicker coat. As if on cue, you see Phil, and he runs up to you. He picks you up and hugs you so tight that you feel like he's going to suffocate you. "Too much love!" you manage to choke out. Phil laughs his adorable laugh, and smiles, sticking his tongue out to the side. You can't help but smile at the sight of Phil again. God, how much you missed that laugh and that smile. He's so adorable when he does his cute "tongue smile."

Phil then begins to passionately kiss you like he's never going to see you again. You bask in the warmth of his lips, of him, and you pull yourself closer to Phil, making your kiss more intense. You open your eyes for a brief moment, almost gasping for air, and see snow start to fall on Phil's eyelashes. You smile at him, and in that moment, he could never look prettier.

Despite it being the most cliché thing to ever happen, like something out of a Hallmark movie, your reunion with Phil couldn't have been more perfect. Everything seemed to be so amazing, despite all of it almost going wrong. Phil, the snow, the Italian restaurant where the two of you met, it couldn't get better than this.

Dan coughs, ruining your romantic thoughts. His face beams with joy, admiring how adorably, and disgustingly, in love you guys are. He looks at you two, and you blush. "Hi, Dan."

He waves awkwardly. "Hi, (Y/N)."

You give him a small wave in return, and look down at your feet, your cheeks turning redder and redder. "Sorry, Dan, I uh...I didn't notice you earlier." Phil lovingly looks at you, and your blush turns to an even deeper shade of red. He begins to look at you and take in your beauty, your presence.

"Yeah. You two were too busy being nastily in love to notice me." You apologetically look at him, about to open your mouth, when he interrupts you. "It's fine. I'm glad to see you two happy again. You're finally here, thank god. Now you'll be the one forced to listen to Phil talk about how much he missed you." You laugh as you look at Phil's brightly colored face. You quickly kiss him on the cheek, and he looks even more flustered.

"Um...h-hey, let's go back to our apartment, you look like you're freezing," Phil says, interrupting your moment. Dan smiles.
"I'll leave you two alone. I'll meet you at the apartment." You smile back at Dan. You and Phil catch a taxi and Phil begins to tell you about all the things you missed. You beam at his enthusiasm, and you laugh when he talks about getting more houseplants and giving you one to keep. As a reminder of him.

Ten minutes later, you arrive at Dan and Phil's apartment building. As Phil pays the driver, she says, "Now have fun you two. You guys make such a lovely couple." You blush for the millionth time, and Phil races you up the stairs to the apartment.

"No fair, you got a head start," you groan as you struggle to catch up with him. Phil laughs and unlocks the door to find Dan grinning, looking at something in the corner. You follow his gaze to see your luggage, and you look back up at him.

"Wow Dan. How'd you get here before us? And how'd you manage to get that," you gesture towards the luggage, "together?" Dan just grins at the pair of you again.

"Magic," he twirls his hands in the air as he says this. "Let's get to what the luggage is here for. I made some arrangements, and (Y/N), you'll be staying here for the next month. And don't worry, your roommate will be sending over some more supplies later. I will be at my parents' house while you're here, so the two of you can have some alone time. I told you, I have to plan everything. Have a nice time!" Dan winks at you as he leaves, and you walk into the apartment in shock, but also glad to be in a warm place. You forgot how much you missed their apartment, it just reminded you so much of Phil. It was your second home, and you just loved the coziness of it. As you keep reminiscing, Phil makes you some hot chocolate and you put on your favorite anime.

After what seems like only an hour, you look at your phone and realize it's 2:00 AM. You decide not to wake up Phil, and you look through your luggage to find your computer. You freak out after searching for it for ten minutes, and in the process, you wake up Phil. "Hey, what's wrong?" he asks groggily.

"I can't find my computer. It must be at the hotel, and I need it to fill out a job application," you say, hysterical at this point.

"Shh, calm down, it'll be okay. We'll just take a taxi to the hotel, and I'm sure it'll be there," Phil says, calming you down, squeezing your hand. You agree with him, grab your coat, and run down the stairs. Phil hails a taxi, and the two of you get in. You give the driver the directions to your hotel, and with that, the taxi speeds off. Out of nowhere, you see a car coming at you, and it's not stopping. The taxi driver tries to swerve out of the way, but is unsuccessful as the car collides with yours. And your last thought is, Why did I have to get that stupid laptop?

Dan's POV (2 hours later)

I wake up to hear a call from the hospital. "Are you Daniel Howell?" a doctor asks, and I can already tell he's going to give me bad news. When someone calls you in the middle of the night, it's always to bear bad news.

"Yes, why, what's happened?" I ask, beginning to shake and think of the endless possibilities to why he could've called me.

"Mr. Howell, I'm afraid Phil Lester and (Y/F/N) were in a car accident, and you were listed as their next emergency contact. I'm afraid that they both died on impact. I'm sorry, Mr. Howell." My hands shakily press the red end call button, and I collapse, falling to my knees. I break down, sobbing profusely, the tears beginning to make their way down my red, puffy cheeks.

"But I never got to tell him I love him."

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