12) Phil

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Tw: Fluff (Ik, ik, another safe chapter, but don't get too comfy. Jk, I'll try to like not depress you as much from now on)
You and Phil had been dating for almost two and a half years now, and today was Valentine's Day. Phil hadn't told the Phandom yet that you guys were dating, let alone going to get married soon, but you guys had been planning it for a while now. You had no idea how you two would pull it off, but you were tired of hiding it from everyone, including Dan. It was always really difficult to hide it from Dan and even lie to him, but it was necessary. You couldn't tell anyone until the two of you officially made a video stating your relationship, and you couldn't wait for that day. But you were also very anxious. Since both of you were now famous Youtubers, it would surely be talked about, and you would no doubt get lots of hate. It was true that you guys had pretty much the same fanbase, and that your fans were always extremely supportive, but after all, it was 2017. You never knew with the Internet. After all, it isn't exactly easy sharing your personal life with a couple million people. But you knew it'd be worth it. It would especially be worth it for Phil. You then took out your camera, and called Phil over to your room. You explained to him what you were doing, and he understood. You set up all of your equipment and pressed record. The two of you said your intros and explained your situation. You and Phil talked for what seemed like hours about your relationship, and that you guys hoped everyone would accept you as a couple. You didn't think you could take it if your fans didn't support you. They were the ones who built you up and gave you the opportunity to meet Phil, and without them, you honestly would be nothing. And you told them that. You then realized that Phil had been holding your hand this whole time, and you smiled. You really loved him. And that's when you stopped recording and started kissing Phil. You couldn't believe how lucky you were to have him, and you truly did want to spend the rest of your life with him. As you were editing the video, Phil brought you some warm tea, and you nestled your head on his shoulder. He gently kissed your forehead, and the two of you sat there for ages editing the video until it was finally complete. You were already stressed enough, and this whole thing made it worse, but you didn't want to have to hide anymore. You couldn't bear it. You looked up at Phil and he smiled at you and said,"Hey, don't worry about what people think of us. You'll always have me and Dan, and you'll always be my cute, adorable bean." You smiled widely, still fangirling every time he gave you cute nicknames or was just adorable in general. After all, you used to be a fan of Dan and Phil's until you actually met them and became Phil's partner. The both of you then posted the video to both of your channels, and you felt like a huge weight had been lifted off of your shoulders. People were actually being so supportive. You felt really happy and confident, that is, until the hate comments started pouring in. When they did, Phil noticed the toll they took on you, and he hugged you as tight as he possibly could. He told you that those people were probably just a bunch of sad and lonely people desperate for attention, and that you guys should head over to Dan and Phil's apartment to talk to Dan. You agreed and you grabbed your coat and practically ran outside. You couldn't wait to tell Dan, and it felt like the taxi took forever to come. As soon as you reached Dan and Phil's apartment building, you bolted to the doors, eagerly waiting for Phil to unlock them. Once he did, you didn't even wait for the elevator, you sprinted up the stairs to Dan and Phil's apartment. You took out the keys Phil gave you, unlocked the door, and you saw Dan with a bottle of champagne and confetti. He congratulated you guys on your relationship and engagement, but he was just sad that you guys didn't tell him sooner. The three of you talked about it, and explained your reasoning, and afterwards, you all watched anime. Phil then got from his room a stuffed bear, some roses, chocolate, and a tiny box. He opened the box and got down on one knee and proposed to you. He told you he "wanted to do it properly this time", and you cried even harder than the first time he proposed. But, it seemed that you didn't cry as much as Dan. He looked like he was going to explode, and in all honesty, Dan admitted later on that he had always shipped you guys, and had always hoped you two would become a thing. And you did. And that made all three of you happy, including your true fans. What would also make someone happy was your kids hearing the story of how their dad proposed for real, and how Attack on Titan was playing in the background. And also how their Uncle Dan was sobbing his eyes out. You and Phil couldn't wait to have kids and get married, and the two of you were excited to go on another adventure.

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