13) Phan

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Tw: Biphobia, homophobia, cutting, and suicide
Lowercase is intentional (sorry for the long chapter btw)
D: hey, phil
P: um...who is this?
D: it's that one really hot guy you know from school. you know, dan
P: oh, mhm. anyways, how did you get my number, did you stalk me?
D: hm, not yet, but i am planning to visit your house tomorrow
P: very funny. but seriously, who gave you my number? was it pj, bc if it was...
D: i will have you know that it was pj, but please, you know you've always wanted my number
P: oh, don't be so full of yourself. besides, i would never talk to people like you. and idk why you're talking to me in the first place
D: well, phil, i just couldn't resist. i have been waiting to talk to you for the longest time. and what do you mean "people like me", bc if you mean hot, then i'm all for that
P: ugh, no, i mean jerks like you who are all popular and desperate for some love and attention bc they can't learn to accept themselves
D: oh whatever, phil, you don't know what it's like. it's...different. we all just want to belong, and we find that in each other. and while some of us may be complete dicks, not all of us are like that
P: how do i know that? how do i know you're not just another one of those jerks playing some stupid prank on me? how can i trust you when all my life i've been bullied by all of the people you call "friends"
D: listen, phil, it's different, and i would change it if i could. and i can show you that you can trust me. ask me a question, any question at all, and i'll answer it as honestly as i can. in return, i ask you a question, and we continue this
P: fine. but you have to promise you'll answer honestly
D: i promise
P: okay. do you like me?
D: oh wow, phil, so upfront. i like where this is going
P: oh shut up and just answer the question
D: fine, yes, i like you
P: now was that so hard?
D: no, but philly, it's my turn for the question now. so, do you like me?
P: okay, well first, don't call me philly, and second, idk
D: what do you mean "you don't know"? you either like me or you don't
P: my turn for a question. what's your sexuality?
D: i'm gay and proud of it
P: okay, your turn
D: what's your sexuality?
P: i sexually identify as a potato
D: seriously
P: i don't feel comfortable talking about it...
D: okay, fine, but even tho i don't know you that well, you can always talk to me, phil
P: okay. and how did you come out to your parents btw?
D: i played this playlist for like coming out and lgbt people, and started twerking whilst shouting i was gay whilst wearing a rainbow shirt and waving a rainbow flag. not to mention i also dyed my hair rainbow
P: really?
D: no, but that's how it went in my dream. and honestly, i just sat them down and explained my sexuality and that no matter what, i was proud of who i was, and with their acceptance or not, i'd still be gay. but, they accepted me, and it was all happy
P: okay, thanks. anyways, let's continue with the game
D: okay, but phil, again, just talk to me. and i can always help you out with coming out if you're struggling with that
P: okay, let's just please move on
D: okay. uhhh, let's go with some simple questions. what's your favorite color?
P: blue. what's yours?
D: can't decide. probably a mix between either gold, black, or white.
P: wow, i like a guy who's contradictory
P: what?
D: did phil...philip michael lester, just actually flirt with me? or at least do whatever you call that?
P: whatever, and how do you know my middle name?
D: a magician must never reveal his secrets
P: i knew it. i knew you were a stalker/serial killer
D: hey, in my defense, it is extremely easy to find out where someone lives, their birthday, what their full name is, their relatives' names and birthdays, and other personal information
P: ......
D: i was just kidding, pj told me
P: mhm. anyways, ask your question
D: do you like anime?
P: yes, i love it. what about you, do you like anime?
D: jesus christ on a bicycle, yes, anime is my life. maybe sometime you could come over to my place and we could watch some anime together
P: uh, no, i'd rather watch it by myself, thank you very much
D: ohhhhhh, so you're into that kind of anime
P: no, i just meant i don't want to "watch anime" with you
D: mhm. anyways, what's your favorite "anime" then?
A few questions and weird texts later...
D: hey
P: what?
D: you know we've been talking for like 9 hours, right?
P: wow, has it really been that long?
D: yep, it's already 5 am. i'm really glad i got to talk to you, phil
P: yeah, me too, dan. you actually seem like a human being now
D: oh whatever. anyways, maybe we could actually like hang out now
P: sure, but we'd have to do it in private where no one can see us, and we should also talk more at school. speaking about school, you should sit with me and pj at lunch
D: why are we going to hide?
P: i just don't want anyone finding out, or getting any ideas
D: but phil, i thought we had something special
P: well, i think so, but i'm not sure about everything just yet. can we just actually spend some more time together, and maybe then i'll be more...comfortable in public
D: okay, fine, but do we have to sit with pj? he's not really the kind of guy i hang out with
P: yeah, and neither am i, so deal with it. besides, i could never leave pj. i also want someone with me in case you try to stab me with a spork or something
D: aw, no, i could never hurt my innocent smol bean. i mean, it's not like i'm an axe murderer or anything, and also, did you just say spork?
P: honestly, you look like an axe murderer, and yes, i did just say spork, fight me
D: okay then. and now i'm just imagining tiny, smol bean phil trying to fight someone. it's honestly adorable
P: whatever, it's been an interesting day/night. goodbye, dan. as much as i loved our conversation, i'm going to try to get some sleep before school
D: okay, bye philly
P: bye danny
D: touché
After a few months, Dan and Phil had been flirting around like this, and were already in a secret "relationship".
D: hey, i'm already at school, what time are you getting here?
P: right now actually. meet you in the library?
D: okay, on my way rn
P: whose funeral are you going to?
D: well, phil, i haven't decided yet, better watch out
P: whatever, but seriously, what's with the all black?
D: what? don't like it? i'm just trying to express myself and put some color out in the world and i get rejected instantly. stop trying to repress me, phil
P: i'm not trying to repress you, you twat, but what color? you know black isn't exactly the brightest color, and technically, it's not even that, it's a shade
D: oh whatever, glitter could be a fucking color if it wanted to be
P: i'm just saying, black is just the absence of other colors. everything is black pretty much without other colors or light
D: whatever, at least i'm not the dork who decided to text me even though we're literally right next to each other
P: well, i mean, it's just easier, and i'm not good with social interaction
D: hey, neither am i, but you can always talk to good, old danny boy
P: not when you look like that. please stop looking at me like a pedofile or something, it's creepy
D: do you want some candy, phil?
P: okay nice stranger that looks like a wrinkly potato, i will pity you and come into your nice van
D: okay, first, i do not look like a wrinkly potato, and second, is this turning into some weird kind of roleplaying thing, bc if it is, i'm down with that
P: whatever, you need to stop thinking that everything is about sex, or that everything has something to do with it
D: oh please, phil, you know you like it
P: ugh. anyways, i'm going to stop texting you and actually talk to you now, bc you know, human interaction
D: okay, if you say so, phil. just don't blame me for anything i say, it's always worse irl
P: mhm. i guess i'll just have to find out then
After talking for a while, Dan and Phil eventually have to go to their classes
D: hey
P: dan, what are you doing, we both know that we can't text during school
D: yeah, but isn't that the fun of it?
P: no, dan, either of us could get our phones confiscated
D: not if you play it smart. you see, rn, i'm "looking for my textbook"
P: whatever, i actually have to pay attention in my class, so goodbye dan
D: oh, come on, phil, i know you want to text me
D: please?
D: don't ignore me, phil
D: seriously, i'm bored af and it's math class, what else do you expect me to do?
D: come on, it's not like we're doing anything bad, we're just texting. and trust me, we could do much worse
D: ughhhh, fine. i'm going to the bathroom in five minutes, and if anyone were to come along with me...
P: fine, i'll meet you there, but which bathroom?
D: the one next to the science room
P: ugh, fine, but don't you think it'll be suspicious when i'm gone for more than at least five minutes?
D: the teacher won't suspect a thing
P: what are you going to do, dan...
D: don't worry about it. it's not like i'm going to pull the fire alarm or anything, we're just going to "a doctor's appointment"
P: are you serious? i am not skipping school. my parents could find out
D: well they won't, and even if they did, so what? you'll still have me
P: ugh, fine, but who's going to pretend to be my parents and pick me up?
D: pj. he's going to be your dad, and since he's sick, they wouldn't think he was missing
P: okay, but pj looks nothing like my dad
D: nothing a little makeup and some other stuff can't fix
P: fine, but if we get in trouble, i'm saying you took me hostage or something
D: okay, but we won't get caught
P: i'm just taking some precautions bc i really don't trust this plan
D: hey, neither do i, but it has to work, trust me
P: fine. and why am i still meeting you in the bathroom again?
D: you'll see. and i just have to make sure you understand the plan, and we can go through some things
P: mhm. well anyways, i'm almost there, so talk to you in a few
D: okay, see you in a few
P: wait, after we come out of the bathroom, am i just going to go to my class until i'm called to the office?
D: yep, and i'll be waiting for you and pj outside with my car
P: but how are you going to sneak out?
D: phil, this isn't exactly my first rodeo, i know a thing or two
P: if you say so, just don't get hurt...or caught
D: mhm, i'll be careful, just for you
Dan, Phil, and Pj successfully make it out of the school
P: i can't believe it actually worked
D: what, you don't trust me?
P: ehhhh....it depends
D: very funny, phil. anyways, are you ever going to tell anyone about us?
P: is there even an us? what is this?
D: this is a very beautiful relationship between two men, some not willing to love themselves, and i see a place for growth and acceptance
P: you're right, it's just....idk. my parents would never accept me, they're strictly catholic, and i could never come out to them
D: yes, you can. and you'd be surprised what happens when you come out, and you should just be open and honest with yourself and who you love. if you can't, i am always here for you to help you along the way
P: thanks, dan. i guess now's a good time to tell pj then
D: better than ever. and remember, i'm here for you, and if he doesn't love you the same, then he's not really your friend
P: yeah, i guess. i just hope nothing goes wrong with coming out. and not to mention the fact that i'm definitely bi, so idk how he feels about that too
D: i'm sure he'll love you no matter what, just tell him if you think you're ready
P: okay, i'm ready, i can do this
After coming out, Pj accepts Phil, and they all go to the forest
P: hey dan
D: yes?
P: why are we in the forest...at night?
D: we can leave if you don't like it
P: i can manage, but i'm just curious
D: well, for me at least, it's symbolic. when i was really confused or was bullied, i always came out to the woods and i just let out my frustration and confusion there. it just really helped me, and i wanted to share that with you
P: aw, dan, that's really sweet. i'm really glad to have you and pj rn, idk what i'd do without you guys
D: me either, phil. and for a little while, can we just stop here and look at the stars?
P: sure, i'll tell pj. it does really look beautiful
D: yeah, i never really go outside much to appreciate nature, so this is nice
P: yeah
P: shit, i have to go home. my curfew is 11 and it's 1 rn
D: ooh, phil's cursing now
P: whatever. anyways, i love you, bye
D: wait....did you just say you love me?
P: yes...does that bother you?
D: no, but i thought this wasn't really a relationship
P: well, to me it is, and i hope it is for you too
D: definitely, but now i'm mad
P: why?
D: bc i wanted to be the one who said "i love you" first. but, i have to ask, isn't it too early?
P: love is never too early, and it's really sweet you wanted to say i love you first, but fight me, i beat you there. anyways, i really have to go, bye
D: bye, love you
D: wait, don't you need the car?
P: shut up and come with me bc i just realized that
D: lol, see, this is why i love you
P: mhm, love you too.
A couple hours later...
P: hey, dan, can we talk?
D: yeah, of course, phil, what's up?
P: listen, i love you and all, but i don't think this will work out
D: are you breaking up with me?
P: yes, but it's bc you're a sinner. you tricked me into thinking i was bi, and i can't believe i fell for your trickery. people like you should burn in hell. i hope god forgives you, dan
D: phil, where is this coming from? are your parents forcing you to write this? phil, it's okay, i'm here for you, fuck what your parents think
P: no, dan, it's not my parents, this is me. goodbye forever, dan
D: forever? phil? what's going on?
D: phil?
D: phil, whatever is going on, please just tell me
D: phil, what did you mean by "goodbye forever"
As Dan frantically continued to text Phil, Phil was sitting in the bathroom. He had come out to his parents, and in order to protect Dan from them, he had to break up with Dan in the worst possible way. He also couldn't live with himself, so he took a handful of random pills and took a razor blade and slit his wrist vertically. There was no going back now. He turned on the water and sat in the bathtub peacefully as the drugs kicked in and he slowly started to bleed out.
The next day when Dan found out about what had happened, he ran out of school and cried on his way to the forest. He sat there for hours as he screamed Phil's name, hoping he would answer back. It all seemed like a horrible dream, and he wished he would just wake up already. But he didn't. So Dan spent the rest of the night there, looking at the stars and crying as he thought of Phil.

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