5) Dan: Reunited

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Tw: Use of f-slur, mention of Dan getting kicked out, mild cursing

It has been a year since that random stranger was kind to me. Hell, they probably don't even remember me, but they fucking changed my life and helped me on the worst day of my life. I remember that day like it was yesterday, and I remember the unsolicited kindness they showed me.

It was 5:00 AM and Dan woke up earlier than his family, like always. He always made breakfast, which was apparently weird in other households, considering moms usually took care of their children. But not Dan's mom.

As Dan was getting ready to flip the pancakes, he heard the stairs creak underneath someone's feet. Surprised, he found his little brother creeping down the steps. Upon closer inspection, it seemed that Evan was crying.

Dan turned off the stove so he wouldn't burn the pancakes, and went back to Evan. His cheeks were bright red, tears streaked his face, and he hugged his teddy bear tighter. Dan hugged him, and gently combed his fingers through Evan's hair. "Evan, what's wrong?"
Evan shook his head. He tapped his fingers three times, then once, then five. It was the signal Dan taught him to use when their parents were fighting and Evan was scared. Dan's chest tightened, and it hurt his heart that he even had to teach Evan that. This family was fucked up, and Dan knew Evan needed better than this.

Dan nodded and went up the stairs. He went to his parents' bedroom, already hearing their accusing and hateful whispers. He knocked on the door and he went in. He looked at his parents, but they couldn't bear to look him in the eye. All he could see was a picture on his dad's phone. Dan felt a lump in his throat forming as he realized that the picture was of him kissing a boy.

Dan searched for something in his parents' eyes, a glimmer of hope or acceptance or something. Not silence and cold, heartbreaking glares. Dan opened his mouth, but the words wouldn't come out. He did not expect things to end up this way. "Get out, Daniel," Dan's dad said, breaking the silence, the tension.

"Dad, I can explain." His dad shook his head. "Mom, please," Dan pleaded. He found himself looking at his mom, begging for this to not be true. She turned away from him and began pacing the room.

"We can't have a faggot living in our house. Get. Out."

"Please, Dad, you don't-"

"GET THE FUCK OUT, DANIEL." Dan saw all the anger and hatred fill his father's face, his eyes. Dan rushed out of their room. Even though it was his first time getting kicked out, he was prepared. He grabbed his duffel bag and ran out the door. He just hoped Evan would be okay.

Dan was utterly fucked. He had nowhere to go; he had no friends, anymore at least, and the only one that was left lived a couple hours' walking distance away. But, he had no other choice. He needed to take shelter as soon as possible, no matter where, and figure out a way to get his little brother. Evan could not live in a toxic place like that anymore.

Dan walked until he eventually found a gas station. He went inside, got some food and water, and headed out back. He made sure no one was paying attention or looking, and he hit the brick wall next to him as hard as he could. He didn't know why he did it, it was, in fact, the dumbest thing he'd ever done. But, he just needed to release his anger. He began to cry, and slid his back down the wall, curling up into a ball. He didn't plan for himself to come out this way, or at all, really.

Dan looked up and noticed you standing next to him. You sat beside him, and asked,"Hey, are you good, dude?"

"What does it look like? If you couldn't tell, my knuckles are bruised, hurt like hell, and are bleeding because I punched a wall. Oh yeah, and I have nowhere to live now. So my day's going great. So yes, I'm just doing fantastic." You gave him a sympathetic look.

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