3) Phil: First Encounter

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It is New Year's Eve and you couldn't be more miserable. You were going to start the new year off being single and alone, like always. All your friends were either happy, in relationships, or both. It seemed like there was no one sane and single available, and there certainly wasn't anyone to share your misery with. Even your best friend Dan was happily in a relationship with Phil, even though you had never met him, which was kind of suspicious. Either way, maybe you'll just have to spend the rest of your life alone...

You get a text from Dan. You groan, already knowing that he's most likely going to invite you to some party. But at least you might be able to finally meet his boyfriend.

Dan: Hey (Y/N). Do you wanna go to a party at Jack's place? I'm sure there will be plenty of cute people for you to snatch at midnight ;)

(Y/N): Yeah, I'll go to the party. If there is any cute people, I doubt they'll want to kiss me at midnight though

Dan: Ugh, please. Just because you haven't dated in a while doesn't mean you're not as fuckable and sexy as ever. I'm sure everyone will be dying to be with you

(Y/N): Haha, you should be a comedian, really. Anyway, is Phil going to be there?

Dan: Definitely. You guys will finally be able to meet

(Y/N): Good, I need to approve of and see this guy that's been dating my best friend

Dan: Mhm, I'm sure you guys will get along great. I'll pick you up at 9

(Y/N): Alright, see you then

You turn off your phone and decide to start looking for something to wear for the party. God knows that it takes you forever to get ready. In the meantime, you couldn't help but think about what Dan said. Maybe you would find some cute people at the party. Or maybe it'd turn into just a one night stand, it didn't matter to you either way. You just wanted to love someone again.

A few hours later, you get a text from Dan saying he's there. You rush out of your apartment and meet him at the gate. After getting inside the car, you realize Phil's not with Dan. "What happened to Phil, I thought he was coming?"

"He got sick last minute, poor thing. His mom came over with soup and is taking care of him. I offered to stay home and help, but he told me to still go to the party."

"Oh, alright. Hm, I was looking forward to meeting him too." You knew Dan was too innocent and in love to realize it, but Phil suddenly skipping out did seem a bit suspicious. You didn't really like Phil's vibe already, and the two of you haven't even met yet.

"I guess you guys will have to meet another time," Dan shrugs, interrupting your thoughts. But, you knew you and Phil would probably never meet.

For the rest of the drive, you and Dan talk about Phil. From the sound of it, Phil seems pretty amazing, but then again, the most "perfect" people on the outside are the untrustworthy ones. But of course, you could tell how much Dan loved Phil, so you kept all of this to yourself. You know your best friend like the back of your hand, but you couldn't bear to break his heart, especially since you didn't have any actual proof of Phil's sketchy character.

You and Dan finally arrive at Jack's house, and you are thankful that you won't be trapped into listening to Dan's sappy, romantic, and happy talk about Phil anymore. At this point, you are tired of Phil, and quite frankly, any romance in general. So like any single and alone person at a party, you head straight towards the makeshift bar to drown your thoughts and misery in booze.

After downing your fifth shot of vodka, you see a tall, black-haired guy peering down at you from across the makeshift bar. Having the typical, drunken confidence, you stumble your way over to him. You grasp the counter as you attempt to hold yourself up in a calm and collective manner. "Woah, are you good? I couldn't help but notice you're uh...drinking habits." The stranger eyes you up and down, trying to get a good sense of your wellbeing. You shrug, and roll your eyes.

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