11) Dan

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Tw: Fluff (Ik, shocker, don't get used to it)
It was Valentine's Day today, and you couldn't be more excited. It was true that you had hated Valentine's Day and thought all of the romance was stupid, but now that you were dating Dan, it was different. He made you feel different, like a completely new person, and you loved it, but other times you hated what he did to you. Today was one of those days. On Valentine's Day, you would always fret about what to get Dan, and you had suddenly become one of those people that became obsessed with Valentine's Day. But, you didn't care. Dan always made you feel special, and he always outdid himself each year. From concert tickets to surprise trips to Paris, Dan never failed to surprise you. Which was why you were excited for this Valentine's Day. You wanted to know what he had gotten you, and hopefully your gift didn't seem too lame in comparison. You had gotten him a mix tape, which does seem kind of dumb and even cliché, but it really spoke to you. Music was always there for you, with and without Dan, and so you wanted to share that with him. You looked around your guys's room to find Dan still sleeping. Wanting to be spontaneous and surprise him, you decided to make him breakfast. As you were looking for the pancake mix, you noticed a new camera sitting on the couch. As you looked closer, there was a label on the camera, and it read "Dan's vlogs". You knew Dan never really made vlogs, so since you were curious, you were about to start watching the vlogs when you remembered you still had to make Dan breakfast. So you started making the pancakes, and decided to watch one vlog while you waited.
Dan's pov
I woke up at 10 to the smell of something burning. I looked next to me and noticed that (Y/N) wasn't there. Freaking out, I ran towards the door only to find (Y/N) watching the vlogs I made for them. I had started recording vlogs for (Y/N) ever since I had met them, and in each vlog I would talk about how I felt for them, or how our relationship was going. It felt really stupid at first, but it was as if sometimes they were right there with me, and I could just confess my true thoughts and feelings to them. It was really therapeutic, and not to mention whenever they were away, I felt like I was still talking to them. I sat behind the couch, trying not to be noticed, and watched the vlogs with (Y/N). They were watching the vlog where I talked about the first time I knew I had loved them. That's when (Y/N) noticed me and ran up to me and hugged me, tears streaming down their face. "Dan, that was so adorable and beautiful. I can't believe you took all that time to make those and then edit them together." They started crying even more and laughed. "And all I got you for Valentine's Day was a stupid mixtape and my existence which, if I'm being honest, isn't much." I laughed, but I said,"Please, your existence is good enough for me. I love you, (Y/N)." "I love you too, Dan." "But wait, what did I smell that was burning earlier?" I said. "Oh, shit, the pancakes, I completely forgot!" You ran towards the oven and I laughed as I saw you bring out the burnt pancakes. "Hey, at least you tried. I appreciate the effort." Both of us laughed as we grabbed our coats and decided to then eat at our local breakfast place.

A/N: Okay, extremely sorry for the shorter chapter, but jc, I've had a long day. I have three tests two days from now I haven't studied for yet, and it was Valentine's Day today, as you all know. So basically I sat forever alone while I watched people acting extremely romantic and stupid (sorry for my bitterness bc I'm single) and I hated it. So, in celebration of Valentine's Day, I decided to be somewhat happy and give you three chapters, one of which has like 3000 or 2800 words or something. So, you're welcome. Anyways, I hope you had a lovely Valentine's Day! ❤️❤️❤️

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