8) Dan: Don't Leave Me Alone

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Tw: Abuse, self-harm, swearing, and death

You and Dan have been best friends since birth. The two of you grew up together and were inseparable. Until you found out that he was cutting himself. Dan then became more distant, and you felt useless because you couldn't save the one person you cared about; you couldn't save your best friend.

When you saw a smile on Dan's face as he talked about his new boyfriend, you felt like everything was going to be okay again. You felt happy again. Dan even felt happy again. Even though you loved him, you knew he was better off with his new boyfriend, Phil, because he was making a major improvement on Dan's health. Dan didn't cut himself as much, and you could already see he was happier. That is, until Phil got mad.

Phil had too much to drink one night, and Dan was feeling worse than ever. He had come out to his parents, and they hated him and beat him until he couldn't feel anything anymore. Dan couldn't feel anything most nights, but one of the most important moments in his life was just completely ruined. His hopes for a better life were completely shattered like broken glass.

You tried everything you possibly could, but nothing worked, and you hoped Phil could make Dan happy again. He always seemed to make Dan so happy and full of life. You were positive he could help fix everything and make Dan forget his shitty parents.

You heard the front door open and slam shut. You immediately ran to greet Phil, knowing that he could help Dan. Except when you saw the drunken mess that was Phil stumble through the door, you knew things weren't going to end well. "Phil! Please leave for a little bit. Dan is going through a rough time right now, and I don't think he can take any more bad news. If he realized that you had relapsed, he'll be absolutely heartbroken. Please leave, Phil," you pleaded with him. He seemed to pay no attention to you and pushed you to the side like you were a speck of dust.

"You can't tell me what to do. I'm Dan's boyfriend, and I'm the one who should be there for him. You're the one who can go home now."

"No, he needs me too. And you're too drunk to do him any good," You stood in between Phil and the doorway, blocking access to Dan. Phil eyed you up and down and sighed, rolling his eyes simultaneously.

"Move!" he commanded. You didn't budge. He grabbed your shoulders and threw you aside like a rag doll. Stunned, you couldn't move, and your head began to throb. Phil scoffed as if to say that you weren't worthy of his time and entered Dan's room. You could practically see the disappointment on Dan's face as he realized that Phil had been drinking again.

"Phil, what happened? You were doing so good," Dan gently said to Phil.

Phil ignored Dan's questions and screamed,"So now you care about me? What were they doing here? I'm supposed to be the one taking care of you, and instead you go to them first? Are you guys together or something now?"

You slowly managed to get back up. You couldn't just let Dan take shit from his abusive boyfriend. You looked at Dan and all you could see was shock. He was too shocked to even respond or defend himself. "Answer me, you fucking cheater!" Phil started beating Dan, making his already purple and blue bruises even worse.

You tried getting Phil to stop, you even tried to tackle him, but nothing worked. He was too strong. The only thing you could do now was call 911. You desperately reached for your phone that was lying next to Dan, but Phil saw your intentions too quickly. He stepped on your hand and then smashed your phone to bits. Hopeless and defenseless, you cried as you watched Phil beat Dan even more, and you prayed that something would make his pain go away.

*Time Skip*
Five months later

Dan laughs. "No, you've got it all wrong. You're supposed to play this note, see?" You frown at him, still confused. Then you grin.

"Oh, okay, I see. So you mean like this?" You start pounding your fists on the piano keys and playing the notes in the worst imaginable way possible. You look up at him. "Ta-da!" The two of you burst out laughing, and you realize how much you love Dan's adorable laugh. It's killing you, not being able to tell him you love him, but you know it's for the best. You realize you spaced out because Dan waves his hand in front of your eyes.

"Hey, are you okay? You spaced out there for a second." Dan looks at you concerned. He could always tell when you weren't okay, and right now, he knew something was up.

You start to say, "Yeah, I'm fine" but you can't hold it back anymore. The words fall out of your mouth, coming out after all these years. "Dan, I love you in more than a friend way, and I always have, but I never wanted to say anything because I didn't want to ruin our friendship and—" You stop yourself as you see an angry Phil in the doorway.

"I fucking knew it." You notice Phil walking menacingly towards you as he cracks his knuckles. You try to walk away, but then he starts screaming at you. He slaps you. You hold your cheek in shock, but then quickly recover when you see Dan get in between the two of you.

"STOP! Phil, you can hit me, but it is not okay to hit (Y/N). I'm not going to take it anymore, Phil. I-I'm breaking up with you. I draw the line at you hitting my best friend," Dan says. There's a mixture of anger and fear in his eyes, and you've never been prouder of Dan for standing up for himself, and you.

Phil then starts punching Dan, and Dan starts fighting back. You try to break up the fight, but Phil pushes you and pulls out a bottle of beer. He breaks it on the edge of the piano, making the ends jagged, and threatens you with it. You stay in a crumpled heap in the corner. Phil laughs.

"That's what I thought. You stay there like the fucking coward you are."

"Phil, stop talking to (Y/N) like that," Dan says. The two then keep fighting for what seems like hours until Phil's had enough. He reaches into his back pocket and pulls out something you didn't notice before. A gun. He points it at you and laughs. "Shouldn't have messed with me, bitch." Before you can react he pulls the trigger. You close your eyes and wince, bracing yourself for the pain. You don't feel anything. Shocked, you look down only to realize Dan's laying on the ground, clutching his stomach. You don't see Phil anywhere, thankfully. You rush to Dan's side, trying to ignore his bloodied hands as you put pressure on the wound. As you look at Dan through tear-filled eyes, you notice his eyes start to water too.

"Please, Dan. Please don't leave me alone," you say in between sniffles and sobs. Dan squeezes your hand tightly, and with that, he takes his last breath and his body goes limp. You lay there next to Dan as tears stream down your face, wondering what could've been.

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