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Kyle's POV

While I was playing with my toys in our yard Lily yelled my name.


"OKAY!" I yelled back and dropped my toys on the ground and ran inside the orphanage house to find two adults and one pretty teenager.

"Hey sweetie these people are here to adopt you" she said patting my back while I looked at the family.

"Hey Kyle my name is Julie, this is my husband Adam, and my 15 year old daughter Alyssa" she said introducing her family to me.

"Hi" I said with a confuse look on my face.

"Ok kiddo thats gonna be your new mommy, daddy, and sister ok?" Lily said and my eyes widened.

"No I don't want to go with them!" I yelled stubbornly.

"I'm sorry kiddo, but you have to I already have your stuff" she said giving my stuff to my 'new' family.

"Bye kiddo were gonna miss you" Lily said hugging me then my 'sister' dragged me outside then that's when I saw Angel and Diana get out of the car.

"ANGEL!" I yelled, but she didn't hear me.

"ANGEL!" I yelled again and that's when she finally looked at my direction and I got out of the pretty teenage girls grip and ran over to Angel and hugged her tightly never wanting to let go.

"Hey kiddo whats wrong?" She asked.

"Their taking me away from you and Diana" I said crying and pointing to my new 'family' and Angel looked at them and gave a warm smile.

"Ok what's going on here?" Diana said getting some shopping bags out of the car.

"Their Kyle's new family" Angel said looking down at me.

"Oh" was all that Diana said and looked at the people who already adopted me ( family).

"Hi my name is Diana I'm the lady who owns the orphanage and this is Angel" Diana said introducing herself and Angel.

"Hi nice to meet you both my name is Julie, this is my husband Adam , and this is daughter Alyssa" she said while I just began to hide behind Angel still crying.

Angel's POV

As I saw Kyle went behind my back to hide and cry so I sighed and spoke to his new family.

"Umm do you mind if I talk with Kyle for a minute?" I asked.

"oh of course" Adam said with a smile on his face.

"Thank you" I said and I turned around to see Kyle and began carrying him to our favorite tree spot in front of the orphanage house and set him down while I sit.

"Come here" I said as he sits in my lap.

"You know your lucky because your getting adopted right?" I said while rocking back and forth as he lays his head on my shoulders.

"How is it lucky I don't know who they are" he answered.

"I know, but once you do then you'll love to be with them and your lucky because there's plenty of kids who wants to have a family, but they never get adopted so that's why your lucky..." I said trying to explain to him how lucky he is.

"I know" he said with disappointment.

"But the only thing about getting adopted is that you wouldn't be able to see your only best friend" he said and looked at me deep in the eyes.

"awwww" I said hugging him.

"I'll miss you too kiddo" I whispered and I felt a tear slip down my cheeks.

"Ok lets make a deal I give you my phone number and you can call me anytime yeah?" I asked and his eyes widened.

"YEAH! We should do that!" He said bouncing up and down while I laughed

"Ok kiddo lets get you back to your family ok? And I want you to apologize for your behavior ok?" I asked and he nodded and we began to walk back to the adults.

"I'm sorry for my behavior mommy" he apologized and the moms eyes widened and began to tear up and hugged him while I just watched them hug, but then the women looked at me with joy and mouthed "thank you."

I did the same "welcome" and they began to break the hug.

"Be good ok kiddo?" I said giving him a smile.

"I will i promise" he said while I nodded and gave him one last hug and gave him my number.

"I'll call you ok!?" He yelled and I gave him a thumbs up and just watched him as he gets inside their car and drove off.

Diana's POV

As I watched Kyle's car drove off, I looked at Angel and she began to face me and saw her eyes filled with sadness and begun to tear up.

"Awww its ok Angel" I said and started hugging her while she cries on my shoulder.

"Let's go inside ok?" I asked while she nodded her head and I just kept on comforting her.

"he was my only best friend" she said still crying.

"I know sweetheart, I know" I said patting her back and just walked upstairs for us to rest.

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