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Luke's POV

I was sitting on the couch, dozing off. Then a sharp pain went through my head. I rubbed it and looked up.

"Where's the others?" I asked IT rubbing my head.

"The others are in the cellar still asleep, what about your little idiots. Did they get Angel and Chase?" IT said sitting next to me.

"There on their way. Why do we need that Chase kid? Why is he soo important? We already got Angel right?" I looked at IT in the eyes.

"That's Angel's weakness. We need him" IT was staring from the distance and I was confused.

"But we have her family? Isn't that enough?" IT stared at me.

"It's never ENOUGH! Chase is her most weakness. Her family isn't even her real family. I would know. Her family dies, but it won't really effect.

But Chase, oh Chase is her mate if he dies then her heart will break and not be herself because she just lost the most important person in her life; who she was destined to be with. Her mate" IT stood up and paced back and forth.

"Mates are our MOST weakness. We can't be happy without them because you love that person soo much that your willing to do anything. Mate are connected who come together. Family dies and it'll only make her sad, but strong so family doesn't mean anything, but we'll keep her family alive. For now." My eyes widened in surprise.

"How long have you planned this out?" I asked and IT smirked.

"Ever since I first held her in my arms when she needed someone" I was gonna say something, but a human scent hit my nostrils which made tense up. IT smelled it too I'm guessing.

Drew's POV

"Ah your finally here" Luke said.

I smiled and threw Chase on the floor since he was on my shoulder. For a 16 or 17 year old kid he sure was heavy..

"Yeah we are" I said while I stretching my muscles out.

"Where's Cole?"

"Oh hey boss sorry I didn't see you there" I gave IT am apologetic look.

"It's alright, but where's Cole? You do have Angel with you right?" IT asked a little panicked.

"Yeah, Cole's probably walking Angel in right now or he might've been touching her in the car" I shrugged and tucked my hands in my pocket leaving my thumb out.

"Touching her?" IT raised it's eyebrow.

"Yeah, he's planning on asking you for permission if he can toy around with her and have some fun" I rolled my eyes on the 'have some fun' part.

"Umm so he's planning on raping her?" I looked at IT and it felt like something had smacked me making me realize that Cole might actually rape Angel since it's a force type of 'fun'... I'm slow...

"Yeah, yeah I guess you can put it that way" I shrugged again with a sigh.

IT was about to say something, but then Cole came in carrying Angel and dropped her next to Chase. I noticed that Cole was walking weirdly and Angels lips was bleeding a lot.

"What the hell happened to you and Angel?" I took out my hands out of my pockets and crossed my arms on my chest.

"What do you mean?" Cole said acting all innocent.

"I mean why are you walking all weird and why is Angel's lips bleeding? Did you have too much fun with her in the car which made you do a hard core fun activity?" Sarcastic note.

"No, she woke up and saw me. She was about to scream, but I covered her mouth then she bit my hand, kicked me on the balls, so I punched her and she is now knocked out" he said now stretching while I laughed. IT was trying to hold back a laugh and Luke.. He umm well... He was laughing.

"Come on she can't be that bad. She couldn't have done that. She's too shy and weak to even fight back" I chuckled shaking my head.

"You try taking care of her next time let's see if she's 'too shy' and 'weak' to even start with" he said mocking my voice, but with a sarcastic note.

"Alright boys stop being immature and focus on the plan" IT said.

"Sorry boss" Cole apologized.

"It's ok. Now I heard that you wanted to have some fun with Angel?" IT asked Cole looking at him straight in the eyes.

"If that's alright with you?" Did Cole just say that?

"I guess you still have some balls left for you to ask that" I mumbled while Cole gave me a death glare.

"It's alright with me, but don't go too far. You can only toy around with her when her boyfriend here wakes up. You can torture both by doing one simple thing to one another, is that clear?" IT looks at both Angel and Chase.

"Yes boss" me and Cole said at the same time.

"Good. You both are now dismiss. Thank you for the wonderful job, go have some fun at the bar and celebrate. You've done too much for us" IT smiled at us while Coles eyes widened.

"Thank you boss!" We said again at the same time.

IT snickered, "no problem, now go. Me and Luke has something's to take care off. Bring the others with you and we'll call all of you to let you know when you can come back ok?"

Me and Cole smiled, "you can count on us boss!"

We got out of the house and texted the others to meet us up in the club. 16 years of working with IT was finally getting fun. It's been a while since she ever let us take a break. I guess after all those years of working IT finally got what IT wanted for a long time. We must've been made IT happy. Whatever was about Angel and Her family and mate must've payed off well. Can't wait to party!


DUN DUN DUN DUN!!! ANGEL AND CHASE AND THE FAMILY GOT KIDNAPPED!!!' D: Heylo!!! Sorry for this REALLY REALLY late update!!! What did you guys think about the chapter!? Is it good? Ain't it good!? I'm just jokin' around. Psshh yeah ha! Argh sorry too hyper and crazy? Yeah!? Sorry I'll stop... Whale, thank you for waiting!!! Stay tuned for more!!!

P.S don't forget to:




Tank chu my lovely readers and fans!!!!

~ sistahs

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