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Chase's POV
I felt someone drag me into a room where I have no capable of seeing because getting beat up is not something you can just ignore.

When I finished getting dragged across the rooms I laid down on my back to get my dizziness out. It only took seconds for me to recover for now. My vision came back to normal too.

I looked around the room to see Lily, Luke, and Angel. Angel was just sitting on the chair not getting tortured other than the fact she's chained onto the chair. She must be irritated because it's silver. We hate silver..

"Ok Chase, Angel just made a deal with us. Your free, but you have to stay here with us. As a family." Lily smirked at me. I glared at her.

"What's the point on setting me free if I stay here and live with you twisted bastards" I said in between my teeth.

"Well, setting you free is for us to not torture you, kill you, and all those things we do to the prisoners. You and Angel can go out, but there will be guards to guard you both." She said like its nothing.

"Wait- what's going on? Giving me all the details and other shit." I asked carefully standing up on my feet.

"I made a deal with them. I promised to stay IF they let you and the prisoners free, safe, and alive if not then the deal is off. But if they do then I will make them treat me as if we are a family. But they couldn't let you free I don't know why, but you'd have to stay here with me and join the family." Angel interrupted Lily and explained it all..

"You would sacrifice yourself just to set us all free and safe?" I asked surprised.

"Why not? I've had my life while others had spent it here in this living hell. I would want them all to change their life and make it a better one." She answered.

"Can you take this stupid chain off me it's irritating the fuck out of me right now." She said struggling through the chains. It made me chuckle because she still has the same attitude, but more feisty than before.

Lily then unlocked the chains off her hands. Angel stood up stretching, "much better." She said and looked at me then at Lily. "Let them out right now." She ordered. They did as she commanded and let everyone set free. But I was last to be set free.

Emma's POV
We still listened to the conversation, but the doors suddenly opened. Me and my husband got out and so did everyone else. "What's going on?" He whispered to me. "I don't know." I answered softly. The guy appeared and yelled, "EVERYONE YOUR FREE TO GO! NO HARM WILL DO YOU ALL SO JUST GET THE HELL OUT NOW!" He announced. So all of us ran out.

Once we got out of the mansion. Everyone went to there separate directions. My husband and I looked back at the mansion. "Why would they set us free just like that?" He questioned. "I don't know honey.. But let's come back for Chase later." I said and we left.


Hey guys! It's been a while since I've been on here, but I'm back! ✌️ short chapter, but oh whale😆 catch you guys on the next chapter!! Peace out✌️

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