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Angel's POV

As Diana and Lily went downstairs I got my bags and put my clothes, shoes, and the picture me, Kyle, Diana, and all the other kids in the orphanage house. While I finally finished packing I heard people talking downstairs which I'm guessing is my new parents.

"Why adopt me now?" I questioned myself while I looked the golden bracelet that Diana gave me.

"Why did you let them take me away from you?" I said out loud and felt a tear slip down my cheek.

Seconds later of thinking someone knocked on my door.

"Angel, sweetie?" Lily said through the door.

"It's open" I answered wiping my tears away while Lily opens the door.

"The Smith couples are here to pick you up" she said.

"Ok" was all I said and began to carry my bags and went downstairs.

Diana's POV

When the Smith couple came I told Lily to get Angel in her room and to see if she's all set up.

"Hi Diana it's so nice to see you again" Emma said with a warm smile on her face.

"Same with you both" I said giving them a smile back.

"She's ready" Lily said standing next to me now while Angel reached the counter.

"Angel meet your new mom Emma and dad Blake" I said introducing them to Angel.

"Hi nice to meet you my name is Angel" she said reaching her hands out for them to shake it.

"Nice to meet you Angel" Emma said shaking her hand.

"Well we better be off now bye thank you soo much again Diana" Emma added hugging me.

"Thank you Diana" repeated Blake while I saw Angels sad expression 'dont cry Diana, don't cry!' I thought trying to hold my tears in.

"Bye Angel we'll miss you!" Me and Lily said at the same time, but Angel just walked out with Blake.

"Bye!" Emma said waving 'bye' and finally walked out the door and we heard the engine start and tires screeching.

"She's gone forever" I said a little bit too loud.

"Lily I'll just be in my room ok?" I asked while she nodded and I went upstairs to rest not even gonna think about what just happened.

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