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Still Lily's POV

While I sat on my chair, I flipped through the pages on the magazine, but then I heard footsteps coming towards my direction and as I lifted my head to see Emma and Blake with the orphan book still open.

"So who will be the lucky child?" I said with a smile on my face while Emma and Blake looked at each other then back at me.

"We pick her" Emma said putting the book on the counter and pointing to the girl, my eyes widened.

"Angel?" I said..

"Yes we would like to adopt her" Blake said.

"She is 17 is she not?" Emma said with her eyebrow narrowed at me.

"Yes she is she turned 17 a week ago" I said.

"So her birthday is on April 4?" She asked 'what a stupid question' I thought.

"Yes ma'am" I said getting irritated.

"Ok well we would love to adopt her" Emma said excitedly.

"Um ok I'll go and tell my manager Diana" I said getting awkward and irritated..

"You can just sit down again in the waiting room" I added as they nodded their heads and walked to the waiting room while I ran upstairs and told Diana everything.

Diana's POV

As Lily dragged me downstairs we finally reached the counter, but then when I looked around I didn't see anyone,but then my direction turned to the waiting room I saw two couples talking so I took a deep breath and walked towards them.

"Hi my name is Diana Cruz the owner and the manager" I said introducing myself.

"Hi my name Emma Smith and this is my husband Blake Smith its nice to meet you" she said and I gave her a warm smile.

"Nice to meet you too and uh Lily said that you wanted to adopt Angel?" I asked.

"Oh um yes indeed we do" Blake said giving me a smile.

'Wow he's handsome...' I thought, but quickly getting back to reality so I don't drool.

"Ok lets just go over to the counter shall we" I said as the others follows behind.

"Ok here is the adoption paper if you can just sign it please and also may I see your ID?" I asked giving them the papers.

"Oh of course" Emma said signing the papers while her husband Blake gets both of their ID out of his wallet.

"Here you go" Blake said giving me the two ID card.

"There you go" Emma said giving me the papers and while I give back the ID cards "ok well heres your paper" I said stamping on it and ripped it out.

"Here's your paper and also I need this copy so I know who you chose to adopt and all other informations" I said giving her the paper.

"Thank you" she said excitedly.

"Your welcome and you can pick up angel at 8:05 tomorrow morning" I said feeling crushed.

"Ok thank you soo much again we'll both see you tomorrow" she said giving me hug.

"Ok sweetie and nice to meet you and your husband" I said looking at Blake her husband one last time.

"Nice too meet you to Diana bye!" She said leaving the orphanage house while I fold the paper and put to the drawer where the other adoption papers were.

"Why did you just give Angel like that?" Lily said looking at me so I looked at her deep in her greenish eyes.

"I cant just say no to whoever adopts the child Lily" I snapped while she sighs.

"How are you gonna tell this to Angel?" She asked and I began to sigh now.

"I dont know..." I said looking down at the floor.

"Do you want me to come with you?" She asked and I nodded 'yes'.

"Ok lets go" she said as I follow behind her still looking at the ground 'I hope you can forgive me' I thought and felt a tear slip down my cheek and fell on the floor.

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