Chapter Eleven

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Lionshine leaped into her seat, curling her tail around her paws as she locked the seat-belt around her midsection. She swiveled the chair around, facing the crew. "Ready for liftoff?" the captain called out.

Shadepelt is using unfolded cardboard boxes to build a wall between Greenface and her. Alderwood is messing with the screws on the bottom of the chair. Pebblepounce is doing jumping jacks. Greenface is attaching a trashcan to the front of the seat, testing the vomit-angle into it.

"C'mon guys!" Lionshine meowed, sounding annoyed. "Pay attention, would ya'?" she hissed.

Pebblepounce stopped jumping up and down long enough to respond. "Sorry, we're just antsy cause we're behind schedule by a few suns," he meowed breezily, moving to his chair.

Lionshine's eyes nearly popped out of her head. "A few suns!" she shouted. "How did we go over schedule by a few suns!"

"The rover was pretty slow," Greenface meowed, finally satisfied with the trashcans's placement. "The trip to the village took maybe half a sun there, and we spent a lot of time talking." He gave an awkward shrug.

Shadepelt steps back from her cardboard wall, satisfied. She gives it a push, but it holds.

"Well we need to get up as soon as possible so that Chief doesn't slit our throats," Lionshine meowed quickly, spinning her chair around and facing the complicated dashboard. She started typing in controls, her paws sliding across the glassy surface.

Pebblepounce leaps into his chair, muttering French under his breath. Greenface braces himself for the launch keeping his muzzle on the edge of the trashcan. 

"Commencing liftoff in three... two... one!" 

The rocket lurches into the air; Greenface lets out a string of curses and stuff his muzzle deep into the can. 

Lionshine settled back into her chair as they entered space, the pace steadying as Greenface rushed off to the bathroom. His paws churned through the air for a moment, free of gravity, but as Lionshine flipped a switch, he dropped to the ground and sprinted to the bathroom.

"Gross," remarked Shadepelt, padding to the front of the rocket and peeking out of the window. "Are you going to call the Chief yet?"

Lionshine nodded. "Yeah, we can do that once the signal gets a bit better." As the small blue speck on the horizon slowly grew larger, a small square in the corner of the ship's dashboard gained more visible green bars. "We need three more bars." They sat back for a few heartbeats, momentarily forgetting their petty arguments.

The screen beeped, and anxiously, Shadepelt clicked the 'call' button, then hit the 'KGIS' logo.

The screen beeped, and anxiously, Shadepelt clicked the 'call' button, then hit the 'KGIS' logo

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"What are you doing!" hissed Lionshine as the screen loaded. The shadowed face of a ginger-furred tom appeared on the screen; both Pebblepounce and Alderwood turned the the front of the ship, realizing something important 

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