Chapter Forty-One

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The cats started sprinting in their thick spacesuits as the Neptunian pressed a red button and shouted, "GLOGIDI! HURLU VAQUILI!"

"That can't be good." Shadepelt spat. Their frantic escape left a red trail following the warmth of their paw prints, and Lionshine's thick fur bounced as she ran.

The rhythmic clonk-clonk of Greenface's cast gradually slowed. "Hey! I can't run that fast!"

But his pleas were ignored by the rest of the crew, except for Shadepelt. The black she-cat slowed her pace to let Greenface catch up.

"How nice of you-" Greenface started, but was interrupted by Shadepelt, who was now pushing the white tom by the back. Greenface limped faster, and the two now went at a faster pace- not as fast as the others mind you, but still faster.

"There!" Lionshine shouted. She was running a bit ahead of Pebblepounce and Alderwood and gestured towards a big metal door that the Catmint 9 crew came in. "It leads to the parking area!"

The crew nearly slammed into the door.

"Quick! How do we open it??" Greenface yapped as the two caught up.

Lionshine glanced in Greenface's direction. "You do a good job traveling in that cast!" She praised.

"Thanks but I-"

"Ke hobane'ng ha ho ke ke ha bula?" Pebblebounce screeched. "I mean.. why won't it open?"

"Maybe we have to dance in a circle to make it work!" Alderwood piped up.

The mechanic hobbled up to the door. The cats all stared at it. Suddenly, a lone box on the far right asked, in a robotic voice, "Labua ut yit hubliba."

The Catmint 9 crew all turned their heads at the machine. "Labua ut yit hubliba. Labua ut yit hubliba."

Lionshine whipped around to Pebblepounce. "Well, what does it say?" She demanded.

The gray she-cat snapped out of a trance and hurriedly answered, "Oh! It's saying, 'Please put in Kalapdi's.' "

"What are those?" Lionshine asked, flicking her tail impatiently. "They sound like something sweet."

"I think they're a type of currency." Pebblepounce answered.

Shadepelt, while the others were bickering, was looking around for something to use. "Hey! Here's a screwdriver!" He shouted helpfully. He trotted over to the box, which was still demanding 'Kalapdi's'.

"Labua ut yit hubliba! Labua ut yit hublib-lib-lib-lib-buuuhh." It slurred as Shadepelt was unscrewing the last screw. The doors slid open.

"Thank goodness!" Lionshine sighed. There were now faint alarms that were fast approaching.

"Or me," Shadepelt noted glumly. The crew galloped to their ship.

Wave here! I hope you enjoyed this chapter c:

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