Chapter Thirty

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Pebblepounce and Shadepelt have entered a small restaurant, and Pebblepounce is leaning over the counter, excitedly chattering with the owner.

"Qe' owner nuqneH pa'! DaHjaj bIpIv'a'?" the restaurant's owner meowed brightly.

Pebblepounce processed this for a moment before spitting out a response of, "ngoDqoq luHar fabulous, nuqneH! counterpart naDev — HoS, vaj laH wa' chu' noj jIHvaD SoH, qatlh qet mughwI'?"

The owner nodded. "vumnISlu'wI'vamDaq mughwI' 'Iq vIghaj qaStaHvIS chach kit. neH loQ HInob."

The owner pads into the back of the restaurant, tail gently swaying back and forth. Shadepelt turns to Pebblepounce.

"What in the name of StarClan is that language?" she asked.

"tlhIngan—er, Klingon," he meowed offhandedly.

The owner of the restaurant pads back out with a small device in hand. He leans over the counter and hooks it around Shadepelt's neck just as everything in the room began to slowly float upwards.

The owner of the restaurant let out a loud wail and grasped blindly around Shadepelt's neck. "Help me! Oh, puQmo'tuq help me!" 

"Let go of me," Shadepelt hissed, pushing the bug-eyed cat away. The owner started floating backwards, toward the cooking supplies.

Pebblepounce's eyes grew wide with alarm. "SHADEPELT! There's hot cooking oil floating around back there!" 

There indeed was a cloud of yellow-orange liquid hovering midair, with several bits of what appeared to be food floating around inside. And the floating shopkeeper (who was named Far, after the translator revealed the symbols scrawled upon his chest) was going right toward it. 

Shadepelt let out a soft hiss. "I gotta go save him!" she growled into Pebblepounce's ear before clutching onto the edge of the counter and propelling herself forward.

The gray tom watches curiously as Shadepelt floats toward Far, her paws outstretched.

The cloud of hot oil was getting closer.

So was death.

Out in the center of the mall is Greenface, who with the switched gravity is now feeling quite ill. His cheeks began to swell up, like he was holding something back.

The crowd in front of him began to scream.

And back in the control room.

Lionshine let out a yelp as she slowly spun in a circle, her head facing what was supposed to be the ground. "Great job, Alderwood," she hissed to her brother. "You turned off the gravity!"

Alderwood blinked calmly at her as he slowly drifted toward the panel of switches. "What did you say?" he asked. "I can't hear you over the gravity."

"That makes no sense... wait, Alderwood!"

He slams against the controls with an oomph, and lights flash in the control room.

By Rio!
Yes, that was in Klingon.
deal with it B)

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