Chapter Twenty-Nine

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In Catmint 9.

"We have to go back and check if they're okay!" a voice shrieked, an octave above its normal pitch.

"That could jeopardise the entire mission! Are you crazy?!" Shadepelt yowled back, ears flattened against her head as the spaceship lurched sideways, throwing her into the wall. She had barely stood up when the ship jerked the other way. 

Sighing at the pain of her stinging shoulders, Shadepelt turned her head towards Lionshine's general direction once more. "I suppose you're right. The winds are going to destroy us and eventually our ship if we stay like this any longer."

"Y-yeah," Alderwood mewed from behind her, voice sharp with pain. He'd taken an unexpected visit to the wall's unfriendly face too.

The golden captain was already punching and shoving various buttons on the control panel, both forepaws and hind legs working so fast and dextrously they were almost a blur. In Shadepelt's dizzy eyes, anyway. 

Greenface and Pebblepounce poked their heads around the doorway. "Are you changing direction?" the latter of the two asked.

As Alderwood explained to the pair of toms that they were heading back to check if the alien cats were okay because if they never found out, their consciences would be tainted forever, Shadepelt was too busy looking over Lionshine's shoulder and strapping herself to the nearest object (which happened to be a nailed-down metal chair) to join in, and of course their wonderful captain was still piloting the spaceship.

Pebblepounce nodded and proceeded to rip out his translator before being stopped by Alderwood. "Keep that on. We might need it when—if we see the Jupiter cats."

"Aw, give the tom a prize! He's said something useful for once!" Shadepelt sneered, before feeling somewhat guilty when Alderwood's eyes flashed with hurt and his tail drooped ever so slightly.

Shadepelt was just about to swallow her pride and apologise (which probably would have gotten her kicked out the ship for being accused of being an imposter), when Lionshine mewed with blatant relief, "We're in a safe area now! I've tried to follow where I thought the Jupiter aliens went, and, there, the ship's right in front of us."

Lionshine perked up even more as Greenface said, pointing at a small pink blob where a part of the wall should be, "Look at this! They must have left it here, either by accident or intentionally. We might be able to go through to their spaceship if it's some sort of teleportation jelly thing."

Shadepelt snorted. "I doubt it."

"Well, do you have a better idea?" Alderwood challenged, rather bitterly.

He still is offended and annoyed from my remark, the midnight-black cat thought. Out loud she replied steadily, albeit with a touch of reluctance, "No, I actually don't. Let's try going through. It looks big enough for all of us to fit in one at a time. Lionshine, put the spaceship on autopilot for a bit and I'll go through first."

Alderwood as well the rest of the crew were amazed that Shadepelt hadn't stomped the idea down into mud any further, and watched silently as the small she-cat leaped head-first into the pink blob without any hesitance. He swallowed. "I'll — I'll go through next." 

Almost shaking with apprehension, he just managed to squeeze into the substance and immediately felt a cool sensation spread our throughout his body, his tail tip quivering. He felt like he was floating, floating, floating... then suddenly it was gone and he was blinking in front of a bright light.

Out of the corner of his eye he spotted the dark fur of Shadepelt, who at a second glance was speaking to a Jupiter cat. Alderwood wondered how she could understand the alien before remembering the translators. He briefly felt a sense of pride—if it weren't for him they may have all taken them off and that'd slow everything down.

Something brushed past him and he jumped, whirling around before realising it was a small alien she-cat (at least he thought she was a she-cat) that was presumably following her mother. Towards what, he didn't know. Cats were rushing around, seeming to be going through various safety procedures. Alderwood was impressed. They were very civilised and organised for, well, aliens. 

A familiar tap on the shoulder indicated the arrival of his sister, who immediately picked up what the aliens were doing and hurried to help. Alderwood spotted Pebblepounce talking to a white-furred cat with huge purple eyes with a green-faced Greenface by his side, who looked like he needed something to vomit into. Shadepelt was nowhere to be seen.

Alderwood's amber eyes searched his surroundings and brightened up as he spotted an important-looking sign above a circular opening. Upon scanning it with his translator, he saw that it read 'Control Room.' I wonder what the aliens' control room looks like, he wondered. Feeling excited, the brown-and-white tom padded inside.

Lionshine, who was helping a kit try to find his mother (lost amidst the crowd of cats somewhere) hurriedly gave the kit to another cat to take care of when she saw Alderwood venture into the imposing-looking room. Ears flicking worriedly, she picked up her pace, pushing and shoving through the crowds of cats, her ears receiving an unpleasant ordeal from the overworked translator. What worried her the most was the sign with a 'Do Not Enter' written in their language on it stuck beside the opening.

Alderwood was marvelling at the sight surrounding him. The black walls were absolutely covered with buttons and joysticks, all a variety of neon colours that were glowing in the recesses of the dark room. A counter covered with more oddly-shaped buttons sat in the middle of the room, and after pulling open a compartment underneath the counter with his tail, Alderwood discovered all sorts of funny objects and devices. He discerned another opening and dared take a few steps in the next room, where a massive screen and a weirdly-laid-out dashboard-of-sorts resided. This room too was covered in switches and buttons.

Hissing to himself as his shoulder bumped right into a rather large joystick that let out a moan as it shifted itself, Alderwood continued exploring the room. Nothing was what he expected in this place.

Especially the part where his body began to float up.

Written by Saph! 🍩✨

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