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The blue mats sat untouched since the last team. The nerves started to kick in after my first tumbling pass,Two to whip two to double. I still couldn't believe we were there. I heard the music from the arena blaring and making my eardrums pump. I knew Emily and Jack were sitting in the stands waiting to watch me patiently, but probably getting bored. Emily was wearing a blue and yellow SMOED shirt. My team was doing great at warm-ups. We had one bobble in the elite stunt, but other than a step or two after tumbling we were doing fantastic.

The music started "Here's your Cali girls" I did a few motions that a toss up to one leg heel stretch pop down. I saw out of the corner of my eyes every group had hit. I then moved to my whip pass.

The screaming didn't die down after we got off the floor. All the younger girls who had not experienced it before were star struck but laughing and having fun. All the season there had been stress with people quitting and injurys, but none of that mattered on the floor. All that mattered is that we hit and had fun........................TOGETHER!!!!

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