Day 365 - Epilogue

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One year. One year ago today, I seemingly gave my entire life up for this city, and one year later here I am. The irony is that I'm not even in Paris right now, I'm as far away from that place as I possibly can be, dreading the moment I go back. So much has happened, as you now know, since you've reached the end of my tale.

My story doesn't end here. I go back to school in a few weeks, I go back to the routine of dodging French People and cursing my teachers for not actually teaching me anything. But the story that I promised to write does. The characters' storylines do.

That party on the last day of school was the last day that I saw the best classmates that I've ever had, possibly forever. Enrique moved back to Venezuela, after giving me a fist bump. Jason recently announced that he would be staying in Korea for the school year, after summer. Ellie returned to America, whether she wanted to or not. I will mention that after the party, she went out with Jack again. And now they're not talking. What goes around comes around, huh?

I am pretty much left with two friends to help me survive the upcoming year, being practically new yet again. But I am also left with the terrific memories of the fun times we all had. I am left with the ability to contact any one of the twelve people that have made their way into my inner circle, and for that I am incredibly grateful. They say it takes a village to raise a child, and every one of us was each other's own little village.

What scares me most is moving - especially the new people I would have to deal with. That fear is slowly fading away. Thank you for that, everyone.

And as for Paris? Well, after living with it as it went through a horror, living in it as I got by with my life everyday, I'm still not sure what it means to me. It's a beautiful city - majestic, huge... but I just can't call it home. Not just yet. And who knows? Maybe the remaining three years I have left to stay here will become the best years of my life, or maybe they won't. This year was one of my favorites, no matter how much I didn't want it to be.

And after everything that has happened from the minute my plane landed here to the minute I am writing this, right here and now,

at least I can say

I've adapted.


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