Days 159-199

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Part two. Continuing on...

Saturday, January 23rd

Anna hosts a small get-together with Ellie and Alice. I bail due to my extreme level of being pissed off. Meanwhile, Anna buys tons of lingerie and makes Alice buy her condoms. She got enough to make the condoms rain like confetti. Why? For attention, that's why.

Ellie also found out that her boy Jack was DTF. He had texted Anna that we was ready to climb into bed with Ellie and she just didn't know how to feel about that. 

They had a fun time. I'm glad I didn't go. 

Monday, January 25th 

This day was all around crazy. For starters, Samuel, who was Team Anna, had told some of the adults and supervisors that worked at our school about how we were "bullying Anna."The news reached everybody's favorite supervisor who we nicknamed Bonbons. He still doesn't look at us the same because he thinks we're bad people, and he was pretty much our only staff member friend. 

That night, we Skyped yet again, except this time, Anna was part of the call. Sometime during the weekend it was somehow unanimously, and silently, agreed that Anna and us were gonna drop the fighting, and just be friends.

Samuel had bailed on having sex with Anna, which they apparently planned on doing. During the video chat, Anna received a phone call from Xavier, Archie's right hand man. The phone call went on for quite a while, and all we could hear was Anna's side of the line. She giggled and swooned and after hanging up informed us that Xavier had invited her to a party. A huge one. At a mansion. Of course, we weren't invited and there was no way that we could've gone, because Archie's posse set Anna an ultimatum. Either she invites us along, or she goes alone, but receives an 800 euro dress. Yes, you read that correctly. Archie's posse was willing to chip in 800 euros just so that Anna could go to some party without her friends. 

As Anna dropped the call, pretty much dropping us with it, Alice revealed some wild news. She had started texting Adam Around, as she found him attractive, and they got to talking the dirty stuff. And so, this was the day that Alice and Adam decided to be friends with benefits. I've never been more proud. 

Tuesday, January 26th

Do you ever get upset when you see somebody you fancy being with somebody else even though you know they're nowhere near being yours? Well, imagine how you would feel if what happened to me on this day happened to you. 

Before we get to my bad news, let's get to Ellie's. Samuel, who was Jack's 'messenger' had reported to Anna that Jack was completely unhappy with how their date had gone. In fact, we was only there for Ellie's body. He'd claimed "it would have been so much better if Ellie whispered, instead of talking" because he was just that annoyed by her voice. In fact, he was that annoyed with everything about her. He had called her annoying. That must sting after you've gone on a date with someone. 

But anyways, back to my end. My friends and I would often go to a Starbucks located in a corner of a department store. It was our secret little place, and there was hardly anybody there. As we sat there and sipped our drinks, Anna suddenly got up and left. Ellie had art club at school and Claudia had to pick up her brother. As Alice and I discussed randomly interesting topics, she asked if she could trust me. I promised her she could. So she told me something that she knew would hurt me, something that she had sworn not to tell me. 

Logan sent Anna nudes. 

I remember my mind going blank as I heard the Alice say it. And then, I laughed. And I couldn't stop laughing. They say hysteria is an excess of emotion. My emotion of that day? Endless laughter. And that isn't even an actual emotion. 

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