Day 295

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If there was one phrase that I would use to describe how my year had gone up to this day, it would be 

"Could it get any worse?"

The rhetorical question somehow never failed to capture just how often things would go wrong and fall into the never ending loop of drama. As I mentioned earlier, April was a very smooth and calm month, but May was where things started heating up again. 

It all started after we ended our friendship with Anna, except we didn't know that anything was actually starting. But she was plotting. Plotting to turn pretty much every French Person against us, plotting to make us seem like bigger bitches than she made us look like before, plotting to end us like we ended our companionship. But the key ingredient to her evil plan? Someone that had been fairly neutral and hasn't appeared much in this story. It was Phil's girlfriend, Sophia. Oh, that's right, allow me to introduce 

Sophia Luce - a very short, redheaded girl that was considered very hot by the general public. 

Phil had fallen for her very early in the year, and as the time flew by, he was still madly in love with her. Cute. 

And she too, was very much in love with Phil. And that was when Anna stepped in. You see, the whole reason that Anna's plan succeeded was because Sophia found out what she did out of context. And when you see something out of context, you are bound to take it the wrong way. 

Let me explain: Phil was somewhat of a 'player'. Well, sorta. He would always flirt with us, meaning me, Ellie, and Alice, but in a fairly friendly way. I mean he would occasionally brush my thigh but I knew he was kidding. The only person that he wasn't entirely kidding with was Alice. When they had first met, he had a small thing for her, and I guess that thing never fully went away. So he would brush her thigh a lot more often than mine and Ellie's... because he meant it more. And Anna just happened to snap a video of him in (fake and friendly) action. And she showed it to Sophie. And Sophie, not knowing that they were purely platonic and having a right as his girlfriend, got pissed. And then she banned him from talking to any of us. At all. 

But after a week or so of avoiding his pretty good friends, Phil got tired. He caught up to us after school and just gave up on the whole avoiding use thing. But Sophie wouldn't let him. She became overprotective. At one point Alice had fallen on her way to catch a volleyball and severely sprained her ankle. Sophie? She laughed. It was getting out of hand. 

And despite the unconditional love his poor heart felt, despite the pain it still brings him to this very day,

Phil broke up with her. For his friends... us. 

So Sophie joined Anna's dark side, and they slowly gathered members. Samuel, Ana, Ally, and a whole bunch of others were officially against us.

One day, we were all, Phil included, sitting at our regular secretive Starbucks, when all of a sudden, Anna's head peaked out from behind the counter. And then Ana's. And Samuel's. And Sophia popped out of nowhere and starting yelling at all of us. 

She turned to me and accused me of telling everybody that her and Phil's breakup was Anna's fault. I mean I'll admit, I did tell people that, because I believed it was her fault. She then yelled at the others and stormed off, while Anna's round, scrunched up face was smiling with accomplishment.

There was just one thing none of them knew. One thing that would make everyone out to look like horrible people, even though the timing was actually just a little off. 

Phil and Alice had had sex. 

Before you start jumping to conclusions about how Phil cheated etc. etc, allow me to present you with a short timeline:

As you know already, Sophia sees the video of Alice and Phil and takes it the wrong way. 

She bans him from talking to us.

He can't handle her anymore.

He breaks up with her.

He is, obviously, feeling down.

Alice is there, willing to talk. Willing to be supportive.

With no intentions of getting back together with Sophia as she is with Anna and that will just ruin things anyway, Phil and Alice decide to just... go for it. 

But Sophia doesn't know.

And she doesn't find out until later. 

So you see, it wasn't cheating. It happened days after. Nobody seems to understand that, however.

Sophia didn't find out directly. Ironically enough, she saw yet another video. It was a video of Alice and Phil making out, that Ellie added to her Snapchat story with the sole purpose of Sophia seeing it. She did, and as soon as Anna found out, the rumor spread like wildfire. 

Phil was a "cheater." And once Sophia and Phil had one last goodbye talk, she confronted him about the rumors, and he admitted to having sex with Alice. Twice. 

Meanwhile, Phil was becoming more and more of a player. We hung out one time, the day that Alice and him had made out on screen, and we decided to play spin the bottle. With the four of us. The details are truly gnarly and make me cringe every time I think about that day, but basically...

Phil was my frickin' first kiss. 

Sorry, Sophia. 

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