Day 27

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Boy oh boy was this day wild.

To start things off, I was having a nice quiet time waiting for my turn to run in track during PE class, when all of a sudden, a girl, Frieda, decided to take it upon herself to ruin my morning. As Jack was passing by on his run, I looked at him and admired his prettiness, when I heard...

"Jack! She thinks you're hot!" and found myself with Frieda's finger pointed straight at me. You know what else was looking straight at me? Jack. 

In that moment I genuinely thought that my life had been ruined. I started frantically imagining my future at school, having to walk by Jack in the humiliation of knowing he knew I "liked" him. 

Looking back at my panicked self, I now realise that the worst, and funniest part, was that

I didn't  like him.

He didn't think I liked him.

And even if 1 and 2 had been true, it wouldn't even matter, because a lot of people liked him for his looks. 

But I was a master overthinker.


Even though my day had started out terribly, it ended quite well, when me and Anna decided to stop by Carrefour, the most social store of all, since it was located right by our school.

When we made our way to the candy and cookie aisle, we spotted 2 familiar faces. Liam, to whom I had never actually talked to, and Logan. Someone who I had attempted talking to. 

And so, as I placed by bag carrying my gym clothes down on the ground to look through the chocolate selection, a sort of high pitched voice approached me.

"Hey, you" was the first thing Logan Hershey ever said to me. "You uh, you dropped your bag." I responded in the only way that I was capable of -  sarcastically. I think I said something along the lines of "why thank you kind sir, I hadn't even realized that I dropped my bag, it's not like I put it down on purpose."

Whatever it was that I had said made the 2 boys chuckle, and that was enough for me. But eventually the conversation turned into them asking us to buy them stuff. We didn't, of course... but sadly there is more to come later. 

But before I end this chapter, of course there is one person I'd like you to meet.

Logan Hershey.  

Anyone would consider this a stupid crush, and a gushy, overly romanticised way of describing him. I don't think there is a good way of describing him. Maybe because he just isn't a good person. 

I don't even know where to start. When I first saw him he didn't stand out or anything. He isn't that attractive either. His height was merely centimetres above mine so it wasn't a deal breaker either. But now I think it was the mystery, his undefined character, that got me. This boy showed up out of nowhere, being new at school just like me, but at the same time seeming to know everything and everyone. Having friends, but at the same time ignoring them and hating on them. Coming from a French family and speaking the language fluently, but at the same time denying being French at any available moment.

Talking to me,

being nice, 

cracking jokes,

playfully shoving me... 

but at the same time... ignoring me and hurting me in the worst way possible. By doing it skilfully and secretly, without me even noticing. Perhaps he didn't notice it either and he just didn't care enough to. All I know for sure about this boy, is the fact that I spent a year stressing and annoying pretty much everyone around me about him - for no good reason at all. 

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